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"Is it about Barry?" "Yes; about Barry. How do you know Colligan won't be repating all them things to him?" "Let him, and wilcome. Shure wouldn't I say as much to Barry Lynch himself? What do I care for the blagguard? only this, I wish I'd niver heard his name, or seen his foot over the sill of the door. I'm sorry I iver heard the name of the Lynches in Dunmore."

He had always used that same consecrated knife; with it he had murdered his long array of Lynches, and with it he had left upon the forehead of each victim a peculiar mark a cross, deeply incised. Said he 'The cross of the Mysterious Avenger is known in Europe, in America, in China, in Siam, in the Tropics, in the Polar Seas, in the deserts of Asia, in all the earth.

The Bodkins never let the Lynches hear the last of it until Stephen fell fighting against Coote, and there was an end of it and him, too. When are you going to tell me your name, Brian?" At the sudden question Brian was tempted, but forbore. "When I have slain the Dark Master," he laughed. "Then you are likely to be bearded worse than Cathbarr," she mocked him gaily.

"So they always acquit; and then a MAN goes in the night, with a hundred masked cowards at his back and lynches the rascal. Your mistake is, that you didn't bring a man with you; that's one mistake, and the other is that you didn't come in the dark and fetch your masks. You brought PART of a man Buck Harkness, there and if you hadn't had him to start you, you'd a taken it out in blowing.

Jane answered, in the same voice, from the parlour upstairs, "Shure, mother, ain't I getting Anty her tay?" "Drat Anty and her tay! Well, shure, I'm railly bothered now wid them Lynches! Well, glory be to God, there's an end to everything not that I'm wishing her anywhere but where she is; she's welcome, for Mary Kelly."

The destruction of the Lynches went serenely on, Saturday after Saturday, until the original thirty had multiplied to sixty and more to be heard from yet; then my curiosity got the better of my timidity, and I asked how it happened that these justly punished persons all bore the same name.

As Bishop Galloway, of Mississippi, has finely said: "When the rule of a mob obtains, that which distinguishes a high civilization is surrendered. The mob which lynches a negro charged with rape will in a little while lynch a white man suspected of crime.

"Why, not exactly frindship, my lord; but I've my rasons why I'd wish you not to belittle the Lynches. Your lordship might forgive them all, now the old man's dead." "Forgive them! indeed I can, and easily. I don't know I ever did any of them an injury, except when I thrashed Barry at Eton, for calling himself the son of a gentleman. But what makes you stick up for them?

Doctor Colligan, also, was in trouble from his connection with the Lynches: not that he had any dissatisfaction at the recovery of his patient, for he rejoiced at it, both on her account and his own. He had strongly that feeling of self-applause, which must always be enjoyed by a doctor who brings a patient safely through a dangerous illness.

It accounts for the large private trade in the Prince of Wales's hair, which chambermaids were able to drive in that article of commerce when the Prince made the tour of the world in the long ago hair which probably did not always come from his brush, since enough of it was marketed to refurnish a bald comet; it accounts for the fact that the rope which lynches a negro in the presence of ten thousand Christian spectators is salable five minutes later at two dollars and inch; it accounts for the mournful fact that a royal personage does not venture to wear buttons on his coat in public.