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Those little, quaint, valueless ornaments, those true-lovers' knots, those oval lockets, those battered rings, girdled by initials, or some brief inscription of regard or of grief, what tales of past affections, hopes, and sorrows do they not tell!

Simon was truly rejoiced to see them, while the old ladies vibrated all over, caps, fronts, ribbons, lockets, and laces, with excitement and delight. The very flowers had a sweeter perfume, the laburnums a richer gold, the river a softer ripple, than in the experience of all previous springs. "They may say what they like," continued Lord Bearwarden, still with the weekly paper in his hand.

Waite smiled and said: "Yes, indeed," but it seemed to Sylvia that he was not really thinking about the lockets. She held close to his hand, for there were crowds on every corner, and loud and violent threats against Major Anderson were heard from nearly every group.

'Why, I'm nearly as much broken down as the Duke. The poor lassie! You have read the essays, and know the deeds of daring, and have gone through the different subjects very carefully, Miss Graham. Then, will you now give the lockets to the girls you think most deserving? The locket given for valour is Hollyhock's by every right.

Anyhow, you have done the deed, and one of the lockets will never go to Earl Crossways' daughter. The girls talked together for a little longer, all of them rejoicing in the thought that Leucha had now no possible chance of a locket. She was so thoroughly disliked in the school that they positively rejoiced in this certainty, and forgave Agnes her mean trick of looking at the essay.

Bracelets, rings, chains, ear-drops, lockets, bangles, were showered upon our precise little aunt; she accepted them deprecatingly, but never wore them. This hurt him a little, but she assured him she would wear them all sometimes. "I am not used to jewelry, Mr. MacPherson," she would tell him. Her engagement ring she did wear it was a rather "loud" combination of engraved gold and opals.

"Oh!" said Cecilia, shutting the drawer of lockets which tempted her most, "these are not the things which I want. Have you any china figures? any mandarins?" "Alack-a-day, miss, I had a great stock of that same chinaware; but now I'm quite out of them kind of things; but I believe," said he, rummaging one of the deepest drawers, "I believe I have one left, and here it is."

"I'se got so much now, Missy Sylvia, dat I dunno as 'tis safe fer me to hev a doll," she whispered; but in a moment she was all smiles, and ran off to show her new treasure to her mother. The pictures and the lockets proved all that Sylvia had hoped, and on New Year's day, when Grace came in for her daily visit, Sylvia gave her a small package.

Waite's message, and her father nodded silently. Then Sylvia told them that the lockets and pictures would be ready the following day. "And I have a doll for Estralla," she concluded. "Why not make the doll a fine dress and mantle?" suggested Mrs. Carleton. "Come up to my room and I will help you," and Sylvia agreed smilingly. Mrs.

I did dress in five minutes, and, leaving my watch, with some very valuable lockets, under my pillow, hastened across a narrow plank, half blinded by snow, into the clean, light, handsome steamer New Era.