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There were no gaudy lithographs out in front, no big frames with the pictures of the actors and actresses, or of scenes from the plays. There was no box office no tiled foyer. It might have been a factory. Alice's face must have shown the surprise she felt, for Russ said: "This is where the films are made. It's all business here.

The print rooms show dozens of Pennell's etchings, with those of Whistler and many others. Whistler's etchings, lithographs, and drawings are in No. 29, Pennell's in No. 31. Room 30 holds the work of Henry Wolf, winner of the grand prize. B. A. Wehrschmidt, an honor medallist, is represented in Room 119.

Presley looked at the marvellous, department-store bed of brass, with its brave, gay canopy; the mill-made wash-stand, with its pitcher and bowl of blinding red and green china, the straw-framed lithographs of symbolic female figures against the multi-coloured, new wall-paper; the inadequate spindle chairs of white and gold; the sphere of tissue paper hanging from the gas fixture, and the plumes of pampas grass tacked to the wall at artistic angles, and overhanging two astonishing oil paintings, in dazzling golden frames.

In the parlor one would find two or three lithographs on the walls portraits as a rule: Kamehameha IV., Louis Kossuth, Jenny Lind; and may be an engraving or two: Rebecca at the Well, Moses smiting the rock, Joseph's servants finding the cup in Benjamin's sack.

But on the walls of the room before her were four pictures lithographs, cheap, not framed, held in place by a tack at each corner. There was Washington then Lincoln then a copy of Leonardo's Jesus in the Last Supper fresco and a fourth face, bearded, powerful, imperious, yet wonderfully kind and good humored a face she did not know. Pointing her riding stick at it she said: "And who is that?"

Bob, peering in through the windows, saw tables and chairs, old chromos and newer lithographs on the walls. Under the tree at the side of the hotel hung a water olla with a porcelain cup atop. Near the back porch stood a screen meat safe. But not a soul was in sight. The street was deserted, the houses empty, the office unoccupied.

"So you did. Here." The colonel tossed the flower across the room and Warburton caught it. "I should like to know, sir, if you are going to expose me. It's no more than I deserve." The colonel studied the lithographs on the walls. "Your selection?" with a wave of the hand. "No, sir. I should like to know what you are going to do. It would relieve my mind.

This evening, however, seemed to promise well, for Alice brought out a great book of coloured prints, and the three sat down to turn them over, Jim of course, you know, being in the middle. The book was "Wild Sports of the East," a great volume of coloured lithographs, worth some five-andtwenty guineas.

Near our landing was a mill, where a man, a boy, and a horse were manufacturing meal at the rate of seven poods or 280 pounds a day. The whole machinery was on the most primitive scale. Entering the house of the mill-owner I found the principal apartment quite neat and well arranged, its walls being whitewashed and decorated with cheap lithographs and wood-cuts.

To this must be added the impression produced on me by Beethoven's features, which I saw in the lithographs that were circulated everywhere at that time, and by the fact that he was deaf, and lived a quiet secluded life. I soon conceived an image of him in my mind as a sublime and unique supernatural being, with whom none could compare.