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'Blow my buttons, if I warn't most scared to death when I seed ye comin'! Couldn't tell what on 'arth ye wanted; and I know'd that if there war' a chance at all, it was to run. If I'd know'd ye war' such a clever lookin' fellow, and that ye warn't a going to hurt a body, I'd come to quicker nor lightenin. Pluck got all the philosophy in his natur' up.

It's from the hattic winder, I see 'em with the moon, if w'ant the lightenin' a glanshin' on their 'orrid faces as is never shaved nor washed, and it's bin my dream from the years of unsuspectious hinfancy, as is come for to pass now in the days of my womanhood, with dead bodies carryin' too, w'ich is wuss. Ho! dear, wot shall I do!"

Fixed it with Coleman." " Fixed what with Coleman? The professor's wrath now took control of him. "Thunder and lightenin' ! You seem to jump at the conclusion that I've made some horrible mistake. For goodness' sake, give me credit for a particle of sense." " What did you do? " she asked in a sepulchral voice. " Well," said the professor, in a burning defiance, " I'll tell you what I did.

I was drivin' the Lightenin' at the time that's the name o' my engine, ma'am, an' they calls me Jack Blazes in consikence well, I'd bin courtin' Molly, off-an'-on, for about three months. She b'longed to Pinchley station, you must know, where we used to stop to give her a drink " "What! to give Molly a drink?" "No, ma'am," replied John, with a slight smile, "to give the ingine a drink.

In unrestrained feeling, pathetic yearning, and exquisite tenderness of expression, it was unmistakably and appallingly personal and sincere. It was true the lips spoken of were "lubly," the eyes alluded to were like "lightenin' bugs," but from the voice and gestures of the singer Mrs.

'Shouldn't wonder, sez Moses, 'nothin' ever did come up alive after goin' over them falls. "It come over me like a streak of lightenin'; every thin' kinder slewed round, and I dropped in the first faint I ever had in my life. Next I knew Lisha was holdin' of me and cryin' fit to kill himself.

Fisher was hurryin' along to join the rest o' the committee 't the bandstand, 'n' he met her next. She lowered her head 'n' jus' gouged Mr. Fisher's three-quarters around him 'n' tore right on. She took the crick road, 'n' Polly Allen 'n' Sam Duruy was out walkin' 'n' see her pass. They say greased lightenin' was donkeys to the way she went.

Margaret began to whimper, but the old man laughed at her; and when the two men respectfully turned away to give the prisoner and his wife a word together, he said to her: "For a long time, as you know, this thing has been a hangin' over me, like a cloud ready to shoot out its lightenin', an' I am thankful that it's about over with. You stay here an' be brave, an' I'll be back all right.

No matter how it came whether in the forked flashes of the storm, or the lambent gleamings of the summer sky he would sit and gaze at it in solemn wonder. Even in his earliest years he began to make inquiries into that remarkable and mysterious agent. "Musser," he said one day, during a thunderstorm, raising his large eyes to his mother's face with intense gravity, "Musser, what is lightenin'?"

And bad as we both felt, this last speech of hisen made a glimmer of light streak up, and shine into my future. Some like heat lightenin' on summer evenin's. It hain't so much enjoyment at the time, but you know it is goin' to clear the cloudy air of the to-morrow. And so its light is sweet to you, though very curious, and crinkley.