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I was proud o' the laddie, for he did honour to the education I had gien him; and, before he was eighteen, he was as tall as mysel'. He isna nineteen yet; and my daughter Anne and him are bonnier than ony twa pictures that ever were hung up in the Duke o' Northumberland's castle. Ay, and they be as fond o' each other as two wood pigeons.

Phineas rose and put his hands on the boy's shoulders, and said very gently: "Tell me all about it, laddie." Then Doggie broke down, and with a gush of unminded tears found expression for his stony despair.

"Your great-grandfather killed his son in a quarrel, when your father was a bit laddie of four. The next day he was found dead beside his bar'l in the cellar." The storm-water went swirling down by their feet, brown and frothing. It went down and down as though Ben Grief were crying hopelessly for this wild people he had cradled. "I see, now, why he's glad I'm not a boy.

"T-e-r-r-a, Terra, d-e-l, del, F-e-u-g-o," spelled Laddie. "Wrong!" wailed Miss Amelia, and our side breathed one big groan in concert, and I lifted up my voice in that also. Then every one laughed and pretended they didn't care, and the Princess came over and shook hands with Laddie, and Laddie said to Miss Amelia: "Just let me take that book a minute until I see how the thing really does go."

How pleasantly, for instance, such remarks as that last would while away the monotony of a padded cell! "But, laddie," he said with steely affection, "listen once more. Reflect! Ponder! Does it not seep into your consciousness that we are, as it were, subtly connected in this house in the minds of certain bad persons? Are we not imagined by Mr.

He is off bottles now, but he still has an inclination that way, and, unless his miniature friends and acquaintances keep a sharp look-out, he annexes theirs in the twinkling of an eye. But, then, Frank is a veritable young prize-fighter. And as the race continues, a fine Scotch collie Laddie jumps and flies over the heads of the small competitors for the first in to lunch. You don't believe it?

"The best military opinion is that it is hopeless to go on," said I. "And I dinna think it's much better to gae back, laddie. It's a retreat. Ca' it what you like, you can mak' nae ither thing of it, and these Highland bodies, ance they retreat, will break to bits. Naething will keep the main of 'em taegither, ance they cross the Highland line again.

Sam Pengelly looked quite fierce and indignant as he made this, to me, new revelation. "Really?" I asked him, eagerly. "Yes, laddie, it's true enough, for I've taken the pains to find it out for a fact from a friend o' mine at head-quarters.

All a man can do, Jock, is to walk in the road that was set before him from a laddie, and to complete the task laid to his hand. What will happen afterwards doesna concern him, so be it he is faithful. Where is my room? And, hark ye, Jock, waken me early, and be not far from me through the night, for I can trust you altogether. And there be not mony true."

"Garny, old horse, I've been thinking, laddie! I've got an idea! The idea of a lifetime. The best ever, 'pon my Sam! I'm going to start a duck farm!" "A duck farm?" "A duck farm, laddie! And run it without water.