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"He says you must keep to the arroyo, Senor Capitan," explained the Mexican. "Tell him to go back into his stall," was Byrne's laconic rejoinder, as he pushed his mount forward to pass the brigand. The soldier was voluble in his objections. Again he reined in front of Billy, and by this time his five fellows had spurred forward to block the way. "This is the wrong trail," they cried.

All kinds of gifts: from the gracefulest utterances of courtesy, to the highest fire of passionate speech; loud floods of mirth, soft wailings of affection, laconic emphasis, clear piercing insight; all was in him. Witty duchesses celebrate him as a man whose speech "led them off their feet." This is beautiful: but still more beautiful that which Mr.

If you talked of books, he settled for you, in laconic sentences, works of acknowledged merit put down men of uncontested superiority but women of title and tainted reputation, if they would but ask him to their parties, became at once his favourites and his oracles.

They one and all assumed the stern, aloof, lofty pose of those whose affairs were too weighty to permit mingling with ordinary amusements. Their speech was laconic, their manners grave, their attitude self-contained. It was a good thing, I believe; for outside the fact that it kept them out of quarrels, it kept them also out of drinking and gambling.

But while you were at the Peabodys she was visiting her half-sister in Georgia," explained Norma. "She is mother's mother, you know." "What was it Mrs. Eustice said about her?" questioned Betty with interest. "Did she live near here? Was that when your mother went to this school?" "It was a day school then, you know," put in the laconic Alice.

The old man won't trust 'em to the old lady after what happened in town, I needn't tell you I knew they were there somewhere; he made her wear them even at the tragic travesty of a Carlsbad hotel dinner." Raffles was forgetting to be laconic now. I believe he had forgotten the lad in the next room, and everything else but the breathless battle that he was fighting over again for my benefit.

"Wal, I just run in to say howdy an' to inquire after you-all," said Carmichael. "I'm goin' to the dance, an' as Flo lives out of town a ways I'd shore better rustle.... Good night, Miss Bo; I hope you'll be ridin' Sam soon. An' good night, Miss Helen." Bo roused to a very friendly and laconic little speech, much overdone.

"It's time to be going, Doctor," Jake remarked as he rose from the ground. "But I 'low t' point won't want painting t' winter," he added, with a twinkle in his eye. "Howsomever, he's a good one, he is, wherever he be from, and I don't care who says 'tain't so" high praise from the laconic Jake. The Water Lily was at anchor when we reached the wharf, and a boat already rowing in to the landing.

But when, in the inner room of the office, William laid down the money he had collected with the laconic statement, "It's kinder slow work," Whimple's misgivings fled. "Bully for you, William," he said enthusiastically. "You're a winner. There's a new day dawning for me and for you. I have had two new clients in to-day. You've brought me luck, boy." And William grinned delightedly.

The letter to John Wallingford, was as pithy as his own to me. I told him my will was made, on a conviction of its perfect propriety, and assured him it would not be altered in a hurry; I told him the sugars were safe, and let him understand that they were already on their way to Hamburg, whence I hoped, ere long, to send him a good account of their sale. To Lucy, I was by no means so laconic.