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Both the husband and the wife were declared guilty of lèse-majesté divine and human; and she herself was condemned to lose her head, and to be afterwards burned; their house was to be levelled with the ground; their property, not only in France, but also all that they possessed at Rome and Florence, was to be confiscated to the Crown; and their son deprived of his rank, and rendered incapable of holding any office in the kingdom.

Close of the States-General The Bishop of Luçon Declaration of the royal marriages Ballet of Madame State of the Court Cabal of Concini Death of Marguerite de Valois Condé seeks to gain the Parliament Distrust of Marie de Medicis Condé leaves Paris He refuses to accompany the King to Guienne Perilous position of the Court party The Maréchal de Bois-Dauphin is appointed Commander-in-Chief The Court proceed to Guienne Illness of the Queen and Madame Elisabeth The Court at Tours Enforced inertness of M. de Bois-Dauphin Condé is declared guilty of lèse-majesté He takes up arms Murmurs of the royal generals The Comte de St.

Enraged at this open violation of his wishes, and still reluctant to commence a war which he was conscious would rather owe its origin to private feeling than to national expediency, Henry resolved, as a last resource, to invest M. de Coeuvres with full powers to treat with the revolted Prince; and for this purpose he furnished him with an autograph letter, in which he assured the fugitive of an unreserved pardon in the event of his immediate return to France; but threatened, should he persist in his contumacy, to declare him guilty of the crime of lèse-majesté.

"Do you think I waited till he was here before trying to save him?" said the Duc de Nemours, stung by the stern reproach. The clerk called slowly no doubt he was intentionally slow: "Michel-Jean-Louis, Baron de Castelnau-Chalosse, accused and convicted of the crime of lese-majeste, and of attempts against the person of the king."

This severe law of lèse-majesté in Bismarck's Prusso-German Empire is only an illustration of the way in which the German people have been made to grovel before the Prussian jack-boot. The Prussification of Germany in matters military and in matters bureaucratic has gone on apace since 1870.

When wealth became so irresistible and oppressive that upholstered chairs and a centre table were brought down from San Antone in the wagons, she bowed her smooth, dark head, and shared the fate of the Danae. To avoid /lese-majeste/ you have been presented first to the king and queen.

"What is the matter with those rascals?" he growled, turning to Dan, who, resplendent in blue and gold, had just joined him on the bridge. "They don't seem to be happy to see us," replied the Captain, shortly. "Not happy!" exclaimed Mr. Howland, who began to feel that the situation approximated lèse-majesté. "Not happy? Confound them!

I said to myself that if she had emerged from so smart an equipage I had indeed committed lèse-majesté, for it was such a turnout as I had dreamed of in my days of opulent dreaming; it was such a turnout as a poor poet could have used without offending his sense of the beauty of simplicity.

To such an extent do books govern the world, that those who command to-day in the city of the Scipios and the Catos have desired that the books of their law should be only for them; it is their sceptre; they have made it a crime of lèse-majesté for their subjects to look there without express permission. In other countries it has been forbidden to think in writing without letters patent.

Magee gazed at the picture of a pompous little man, whose fierce mustache seemed anxious to make up for the lack of hair on his head. "A bald hero at a summer resort," he commented, "it seems incredible." "Oh, they think he lost his hair fighting for the flag," she laughed. "It's winter, and snowing, or I shouldn't dare lèse-majesté.