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Updated: August 26, 2024

I reassured Robinson, who was apparently ready to make a run for it; and I explained to Lafitte and L'Olonnois my plan. "We'll by no means discard our brig, the original Sea Rover," said I, "and we'll tow her along as our tender. But we'll christen the prize the Sea Rover instead, and hoist our flag over her and paint on her name at the first point of call we make.

I had very much enjoyed my breakfast, and so had my shipmates L'Olonnois and Lafitte, to whom each moment now was a taste of paradise revealed. I envied them, for theirs, now, was that rare, fleeting and most delectable of all human states, the full realization of every cherished earthly dream.

So far it belongs to the Spanish Main and to the Isthmus of Panama. The romance remained when the Elizabethans passed away they were followed by the buccaneers, privateers, marooners and pirates a degenerate company, but not without their picturesque side. Pierre le Grand, François l'Olonnois, Henry Morgan, are captains only one degree more piratical than Drake and Raleigh.

And with this resolution, formed when I caught sight of the passing flood, I found a sudden peace and calm, and so knew that I was fit for my adventure as yon other boy, L'Olonnois, was for his. I paused at the edge of the wharf, at the side of our boat. We still were arm in arm, still silent, though she must have felt the beating of my heart.

The only difference sometimes between master and servant depended entirely upon the fact that one had money, and the other had none. Boys and girls were sold for a term of years, somewhat as if they had been apprentices, and it so happened that the boy L'Olonnois was sold to a master who took him to the West Indies.

But when one man came ashore in a boat bringing the intelligence that L'Olonnois could not get his largest ship across a bar at the entrance to the lake, and that he wanted a pilot to show him the channel, then the spirits of the people went up like one great united rocket, bursting into the most beautiful coruscations of sparks and colors.

"Aye, aye, Sir!" replied the crew, that is to say, Jimmy L'Olonnois. "Hard a lee!" "Hard a lee it is, Sir!" "Hoist the top-gallant mainsail an' clew all alow an' aloft!" "Aye, aye, Sir!" "Man the capstan! All hands to the starboard mizzen chains! Heave away!" "Heave away!" rejoined our gallant crew, never for a moment in doubt as to the captain's meaning.

"While you are busy in this way, Lafitte, I will hunt for Peterson, the master, who very likely is sitting quiet on the forward deck somewhere. The main danger lies with him. While I attend to him, you, L'Olonnois, run aft. You will find there two ladies, one very old and ugly, the other very young and very beautiful. See that they do not escape, and hold them there until I come aft to meet you.

But as soon as the Spaniards were so far away from their entrenchments that they could not get back to them, the crafty L'Olonnois, who ran with one eye turned behind him, called a halt, his men turned, formed into battle array, and began an onslaught upon their pursuing enemy, such as these military persons had never dreamed of in their wildest imagination.

He assured them that it would be an ignoble thing to give up such a grand enterprise as this simply because they found the enemy strong and so well prepared to meet them, and ended by stating that if he saw a man flinch or hold back for a second, he would pistol him with his own hand. Whereupon the pirates all shook hands and promised they would follow L'Olonnois wherever he might lead them.

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