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"I am so glad that you have come," she said, raising her eyes for a minute to his. "Father, you remember Lord Dorminster?" The two men exchanged a few commonplace remarks. Then Karetsky reached for his hat. "Your arrival, Lord Dorminster," he observed, "leaves me free to make a few calls myself. We shall, I trust, meet again."

Some of us my uncle was one who have studied history and who know something of the science of international politics, realise perfectly well that no Empire can be considered secure under such conditions. This country swarms with foreign secret-service men. What they are planning against us, Heaven knows!" "Heaven and Naida Karetsky," Chalmers intervened softly.

"We'll go into the smaller room and tell Brookes to bring us some cocktails and cigarettes. Chalmers won't expect to be received formally, and Mademoiselle Karetsky will appreciate the cosmopolitan note of our welcome." "We do look a little too domestic, don't we?" Maggie replied, as she passed through the portière which Nigel was holding up.

I would not suggest anything of the sort with Germany, but with this new Russia, the Russia of which Naida Karetsky is a daughter, why not? Although they will not have me back there, Russia is some day going to lay down the law to Europe." "I wonder whether Maggie has any ideas of the sort in her mind," Mrs. Bollington Smith observed. "She seems curiously abstracted to-night."

He had the air of a man in clothes too large for him. Even his voice was shriller, shriller and horrible with the slow and bestial satisfaction of his words. "So here you are, the whole nest of you together, eh?" he exclaimed. "Good! Very good indeed! Prince Shan, the poisoner! Dorminster, enjoying your brief triumph, eh? And you, Naida Karetsky, traitress to your country deceiver "

Besides, it is not only the official outlook in which Paul is interested. He doesn't understand, and frankly I don't, the position of what they call over here 'the man in the street. You see, he must be either a fool, or he must be grossly deceived." "So far as my dealings with him go, I should never call the Englishman a fool," Karetsky confessed.

"What made you go?" "I think that it was a message from Mademoiselle Karetsky," Jesson suggested quietly. Nigel smiled. "Upon my word, I think you're going to be a success, Jesson," he declared. "Perhaps you can tell me what we did talk about?" "I believe I almost could," was the calm reply. "In any case, I think I see the situation as it exists. Mademoiselle Karetsky is a wonderful woman.

Afterwards, if things go well, Mademoiselle Karetsky will join the conference." "I fear," Maggie sighed, "that there will be difficulties in the way of my establishing confidential relations with Prince Shan." "There will be difficulties," Jesson assented, "but the thing is not so impossible as it would be in Paris.

I venture to say that you could not do your country a greater service, apart from any personal feelings you might have, than by marrying Mademoiselle Karetsky. There, you see, now I have finished. This is for your reflection, Lord Dorminster just the measured statement of one who wears at least the cloak of philosophy by inheritance. Time passes.

"I am inclined to agree with Jesson," Nigel pronounced, "inasmuch as I believe that Mademoiselle Karetsky is disposed to change or modify her views concerning us. You see, after all, this threatened blow against England is purely a private affair of Germany's. There is really no reason why Russia or any other country should be dragged into it.