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Carlini flew joyfully to Rita, telling her she was saved, and bidding her write to her father, to inform him what had occurred, and that her ransom was fixed at three hundred piastres. Twelve hours' delay was all that was granted that is, until nine the next morning. The instant the letter was written, Carlini seized it, and hastened to the plain to find a messenger.

Immediately Vaninka rose, fixed them with flashing eyes, and called them by name one after another. There was no response. Then she clapped her hands and cried joyfully, "The moment has come!" Going to the back of the room, she brought thence an armful of straw, placed it in a corner of the room, and did the same in the other corners.

With him, life has a deep meaning, and requires the performance of duties which are satisfactory to his conscience, and are therefore pleasurable. He improves himself, acts upon his age, helps to elevate the depressed classes, and is active in every good work. His hand is never tired, his mind is never weary. He goes through life joyfully, helping others to its enjoyment.

The door opened. It was Dagobert. At the sight of him Rose and Blanche joyfully exchanged a kiss, as if they had just escaped from a great danger. "What is the matter? why are you afraid?" asked the soldier in surprise. "Oh, if you only knew!" said Rose, panting as she spoke, for both her own heart and her sister's beat with violence. "If you knew what has just happened!

When he was able to leave town tolerably early, he used sometimes to ride down all the way; but he oftener drove to Hammersmith Bridge, where his horse, and such of our children as were old enough to ride met him, and how joyfully I used to catch the first sight of the happy riders he on his roan "Surrey" and they on their pretty ponies from the little mount in our grounds!

He was delighted, and picked the alphabet, here and there, from a page chosen at random in the big book. The dots slunk at once into quite sensibly ordered ranks, and Felicia perceived a reason, an excuse for their existence. She learned half the alphabet in an hour, and picked out b and h and l joyfully from page after page.

Then the humiliation which she joyfully supposed him to suffer through the infliction of such an indignity would be cancelled by a fifteen-minute talk which, as regarded Jane's intention at least, would be quite gracious and brilliant. Brower went through this ordeal serenely enough, and never hesitated to expose himself again.

He hastily inspected the bundle and then exclaimed, "Here's only a part of them, Foster!" "Where some are it's likely there are more," and Will at once resumed his search. His efforts were speedily rewarded by the discovery of another bundle similar to the one that had already been found, and, dropping his scoop, he hastily began to count the canes. "Here they are!" he exclaimed joyfully.

Thousands of little white stars enameled the turf, then turned to red strawberries, looking, in their green cups, like rubies set in emeralds. "Make haste, my child, and gather your strawberries," said June. Dobrunka filled her apron, thanked the Twelve Months, and joyfully ran home. You may imagine the astonishment of Katinka and the stepmother.

An' I'm Princess Somebody, an' Hermy's Princess Nobody, an' we're on our ways through the valley of gloom, trying to find the beautiful City of Perhaps but oh, it's awful hard to find!" she ended, with a weary little sigh. "And yet, Princess, I'm sure we shall find it." "We? Oh, are you coming too, Prince?" cried the child joyfully. "To be sure I am!" nodded Ravenslee.