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"Not a bad chap," Jobbins would forget his weariness to say, "not half a bad chap!" and one night he told one of the few Whistler stories never yet told in print, except in the Atlantic Monthly where this chapter was first published. "He rather liked me," said Jobbins, "liked to have me about, and to help on Sundays when he showed his pastels.

"And if I cannot persuade him," he continued in soliloquy, "why, then, it will just be old Jobbins who will be senator, and that's the plain truth." Vancouver went away with a light heart, and the frank smile on his delicate features was most pleasant to see. He knew John Harrington well, and he was certain that Mr. Ballymolloy's proposal would rouse the honest wrath of the man he detested.

That is all," said Z. "I think it would be dangerous to withdraw him before so weak a man as Jobbins. It would hurt his reputation. Besides, our second man is in Washington arguing a case; and, after all, there is a bare chance that J.H. may win. If he does not, we win all the same, for Jobbins is in chains. Verdict, please." Y was silent, and smoked thoughtfully.

"I thought you bad been learning them all the morning in Choate," put in Ronald, who perceived that the conversation was to be about Harrington. "It does make a difference," said Sybil, not noticing Ronald's remark, "because Jobbins is much more popular than Calvin, and they say he is a friend of Patrick Ballymolloy, who will win the election for either side he favors."

I never saw him open it. But most constant of our little party was Jobbins, our one Englishman, who came in late to the Orientale where, or if, he dined none of us could say with the stool and canvas and paint-box he had been carrying about all day from one campo, or calle, or canale, to another, in search of a subject.

Wyndham's, and he read it without comprehending precisely the position taken by his instructor. Nevertheless, the order coincided with what he would have done if left to himself. He of course could not know that even if his opponent were elected it would be a gain to his own party, for the outward life of Mr. Jobbins gave no cause for believing that he was in anybody's power.

Now what did Jobbins do in return for all this magnanimous mercy? Uproond? I ca' un 'Dr. Upandoon." From that day forth the rector of the parish was known far and wide as "Dr. Upandown," even among those who loved him best.

"He has such a beautiful soul, Mr. Jobbins; it does me good, and indeed it does, Mr. Vancouver." "As you say, sir, a man full of broad human sympathies. Nevertheless I feel sure that on the present occasion your political interests will lead you to follow the promptings of duty, and to vote in favor of the Democratic candidate. I wish you and I did not differ in politics, Mr. Ballymolloy."

"I suppose you will expect me to have Mr. Jobbins to dinner, now. I think the whole business is perfectly mean!" "Don't blame me, my dear," said Sam calmly. "I did not create the Massachusetts Legislature, and I did not found the State House, nor discover America, nor any of these things. And after all, Jobbins is a very respectable man and belongs to our own party, while Harrington does not.

Wyndham to Ronald, and then addressing her husband, "Do go on, Sam; you've not told us anything yet." "Well, as I said, the Senate elected John Harrington by a majority of four. The House took a long time getting to work, and then there was some mistake about the first vote, so they had to take a second. And when that was done Jobbins actually had a majority of eighteen.