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The waving of their arms could be distinguished; and plainly glittered the blood-crimson sunset light on rifle-barrels, swords, and javelins. The Master loosened his revolver in its holster. "About twenty minutes from now, at this rate," he added, "some of the Beni Harb will have reason to remember you." "Yes, and may Jehannum take them all!" exclaimed the Frenchman, passionately.

If it were in Peshawur, now! 'Yes in Peshawur, the second voice sneered. 'Peshawur, full of his blood-kin full of bolt-holes and women behind whose clothes he will hide. Yes, Peshawur or Jehannum would suit us equally well. 'Then what is the plan? 'O fool, have I not told it a hundred times? Wait till he comes to lie down, and then one sure shot. The trucks are between us and pursuit.

On reaching Yambu, Burton enquired whether Sa'ad the robber chief, who had attacked the caravan in the journey to Mecca days, still lived; and was told that the dog long since made his last foray, and was now safe in Jehannum.

If I do not go, I must get fresh seals and takkus-stamps on the papers, perhaps in the middle of the harvest, and to go to the law-courts once is wisdom, but to go twice is Jehannum. That is QUITE true," explained Tods, gravely. "All my friends say so.

He lives there by the will of Abdulla, and shall live there till . . . From where you stand, Tuan, you can look over the fence and across the courtyard straight at the door at the door from which he comes out every morning, looking like a man that had seen Jehannum in his sleep." Lingard drew his head in. Babalatchi touched his shoulder with a groping hand. "Wait a little, Tuan. Sit still.

I don't understand.... Oh, very well." "And I was to say further, my lord, these words: 'You shall find but one way to Kathiapur." Amber shook his head, smiling. "If you don't mind getting yourself disliked on my account, Dulla Dad, you may take back to the author of that epigram this answer: 'You shall find but one way to Jehannum, and that right speedily. Good-morning, Dulla Dad."

What were they for? . . . And an old invalided jurumudi, who had travelled over many seas and had heard holy men speak in far-off countries, explained to a small knot of unsophisticated citizens of Sambir that those books were books of magic of magic that guides the white men's ships over the seas, that gives them their wicked wisdom and their strength; of magic that makes them great, powerful, and irresistible while they live, and praise be to Allah! the victims of Satan, the slaves of Jehannum when they die.

Finding everything quiet, they set about getting across, and had even launched a pontoon, when the British, who were lying in wait, opened a terrific fire from the farther bank, backed by armored locomotives and aeroplanes. "It was as if the gates of Jehannum were opened and its fires turned loose upon us," one soldier told me.

"And their tormentors shall say unto them: 'Taste ye the pain of burning!" the Master concluded the familiar quotation with a smile. "Waste no time in wishing the Beni Harb future pain, my dear Lieutenant. Jehannum may indeed reserve the fruit of the tree Al Zakkum, for these dogs, but our work is to give them a foretaste of it, today.

The lamps were paling in the dawn when the half-caste guard came round. Ticket-collecting is a slow business in the East, where people secrete their tickets in all sorts of curious places. Kim produced his and was told to get out. 'But I go to Umballa, he protested. 'I go with this holy man. 'Thou canst go to Jehannum for aught I care. This ticket is only