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Updated: August 3, 2024

Ah tells you-all she ain't no fule. She kin see straight, an' she knows Tom Latimer ain't in her class." Thus trying to plan for Jeb's peace and happiness, the two found they had reached the Rainbow Cliffs. Tom and Mr.

And all hands "ducked" as rope and canvas rattled under Captain Jeb's guiding hand; and the "Sary Ann" swept from her dancing course to the boundless blue towards the shadowy line and dim pencil point now growing into graceful lighthouse and rocky shore.

Hooray!" burst from the young explorers; and they would have dashed off into bolder investigation of this new discovery, but Captain Jeb's sudden trumpet tone withheld them. "Stop, stop thar, younkers! Didn't I tell you this warn't no play-place? How far and how deep these caves stretch only the Lord knows; for the sea is knawing them deeper and wider every year.

If the grizzly bear had been one of the large fraternity who believe in "safety first" he would have withdrawn immediately upon the ominous sound of old Uncle Jeb's pipe knocking against the nearest hard substance. Uncle Jeb, like Uncle Sam, moved slowly but very surely.

"Jeb, what you-all clutchin' at my arm like-as-how you are?" now asked Sary, in no weak or tender voice. "Ah ain't clutchin' nothin', Sary!" was Jeb's defense of his manhood. "Ah don't know what you call it, then.

"My part is easy," said Tom. When Tom reached Temple Camp he found a letter awaiting him there. It was stuck up among the antlers of Uncle Jeb's moose head which hung in the old camp manager's cabin. He found Uncle Jeb alone in his glory, and mighty glad to see him. It was characteristic of the old western scout and trapper whom Mr.

But it was too close to Sary for Jeb's peace of mind. He reached out very warily and caught hold of one leg of the stool, and pulled it towards him. Then he sat gingerly on the edge of it. But Sary was determined to carry off a captive that night, or waste all of her ammunition in the attempt. "Ah jes' loves to swing, but Ah cain't tech the ground easy when Ah'm sittin' back.

Do you remember that woodchuck skin you gave Roy? It's hanging up there in the Silver Fox's cabin now." "What's the matter with your hand?" Uncle Jeb inquired. "It's just blistered and it tingles," Tom said. "It's from holding the axe." While they were having supper in Uncle Jeb's cabin, Tom hauled out of his trousers pocket a couple of very much folded and gather crumbled pieces of paper.

Tom, stolid and with face all but expressionless, received these tributes with the faintest suggestion of a smile. "Don't forget to smile and look pretty!" came from the rear of the assemblage. As was usual at Temple Camp festivities, the affair began with three resounding cheers for Uncle Jeb, followed by vociferous appeals for a speech. Uncle Jeb's speeches were an institution at camp.

"It's so hot, I reckon you'll carry your jacket. I ain't seen as pretty a blue dress as this yet it's plain-like, too." She went to the top of the stairs. "She wants to go, Jeb," she called loudly. "You'd better get the sulky ready." The answer from below was the heavy thump of Jeb's boots on the oilcloth covering of the hall floor.

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