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The Padrone approached aristocratically. "The Marchese Isidoro Panacci is here dining with friends, the Duca di " "Yes, yes. But I am only here for a moment, so it is not worth while to tell the Marchese." "You are not going to dine, Signora! The food of Frisio does not please you!" He cast up his eyes in deep distress. "Indeed it does. But I have dined.

The waiter departed, and returned to say that no one had been for the Signore. "Not the Marchese Isidoro Panacci? "The concierge says that no one has been, Signore." "Va bene." The man went out. So Doro had not come even once! Perhaps he was seriously offended. At their last parting in the Villa he had shown a certain irony that had in it a hint of bitterness.

Hermione could not help laughing, and Artois echoed her laugh. "Merely talking about him has made you look years younger," she declared. "The influence of the day has lifted from you." "It would not have fallen upon Isidoro, I think. And yet he is full of sentiment. He is a curious instance of a very common Neapolitan obsession." "What is that?" "He is entirely obsessed by woman.

I have failed to find any life of any S. Isidoro that relates the story. The little chapel on the left of S. Isidoro's is known as the Cappella dei Mascoli, or males, for hither come the young wives of Venice to pray that they may bring forth little gondoliers. That at any rate is one story; another says that it was the chapel of a confraternity of men to which no woman might belong.

The note appended to Gino Capponi's Storia della Repubblica di Firenze. 6. Dino Compagni e la sua Chronica, per Isidoro del Lungo, Firenze, Le Mornier. Unluckily, the last-named work, though it consists already of two bulky volumes in large 8vo, is not yet complete; and the part which will treat of the question of authorship and MS. authority has not appeared.

When they returned they found a card lying upon the table in the little hall "Marchese Isidoro Panacci di Torno" and Gaspare told them that it had been left by a Signore, who had called on the day of their departure, and had seemed very disappointed to hear that they were gone. "I do not know this Signore," Gaspare added, rather grimly.

This I saw with my own eyes.... Signed, Isidoro Alemanno." And another swore, "The said Nikola was below, but he came running up, and with one blow of his knife severed the throat of the man who was kneeling on the deck...."

If the traditions be correct, Zaida was a Christian at heart, in spite of her Mohammedan education and surroundings, as the Castilians claimed that she had been converted in a dream in which Saint Isidoro had come to her and prevailed upon her to change her faith.

In 1063 the King of Leon, Fernando I., signed a treaty with the Arab governor of Sevilla, obliging the latter to hand over to the Catholic monarch, in exchange for some other privileges, the corpse of San Isidoro. It was conveyed to Leon, where a church was built to contain the remains of the saint; the same building was to serve as a royal pantheon.

As they sat on a ruined wall of the Convent of San Isidoro, contemplating the scene of ruin and desolation around, "the 'Unknown' began to feel the vein of poetry creeping through his inward soul, and gave vent to it by reciting with great emphasis and effect" some lines that the scene called up to his mind.