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He appeared at the auction, according to the story told by Lord Lucan, "bustling about with an inkhorn and pen in his button-hole, like an excise-man; and, on being asked what he really considered to be the value of the property, answered, 'We are not here to sell a parcel of boilers and vats, but the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice." The brewery was sold for 135,000 pounds to Mr.

My mind is tossed with a thousand tormenting thoughts, which are lost the moment they are conceived, to make way for others. So long as my body is influenced by the impressions of my mind, how shall I be able to hold the paper, or guide a reed to write." So saying, he took out of a little desk which was near him, paper, a cane ready cut, and an inkhorn.

'What shall I say, your Excellency? quoth the ready scribe, pulling out pen and inkhorn from his sash. 'What do I care? Any lie which comes to hand. What in the devil's name are you here for at all, but to invent a lie when I want one? 'True, most noble, and the worthy sat meekly down to his paper.... but did not proceed rapidly.

They were bound in the chairs, the burning braziers were placed at their feet, behind them stood a clerk with paper and an inkhorn, and around them Indians were busy at some dreadful task, directed to it by two Spanish soldiers. Near the third chair stood another Spaniard who as yet took no part in the play; it was de Garcia.

The eunuch stationed Kemerezzeman behind the curtain of the princess's door and the prince said to him, 'Whether of the two wilt thou liefer have me do, cure thy lady from here or go in and cure her within the curtain? The eunuch marvelled at his words and answered, 'It were more to thine honour to cure her from here. So Kemerezzeman sat down behind the curtain and taking out pen and inkhorn and paper, wrote the following: 'This is the letter of one whom passion torments and whom desire consumes and sorrow and misery destroy; one who despairs of life and looks for nothing but death, whose mourning heart has neither comforter nor helper, whose sleepless eyes have none to succour them against affliction, whose day is passed in fire and his night in torment, whose body is wasted for much emaciation and there comes to him no messenger from his beloved: I write with a heart devoted to thee and the thought of thee And an eyelid, wounded for weeping tears of the blood of me.

Then, dipping his reed in the inkhorn fastened to the side of the little coffer that held his sheets of parchment, his brushes, and his colours and gold dust, he besought the flies, in the name of the Lord, not to annoy him, and began to write the account of all he had seen and heard in the Chapel of San Michele, during his night of torment, as well as on the day just done, in the woods by the stream side.

Upon the table was the minister's inkhorn and pen. I drew my tablets from the breast of my doublet and began to write. "Diccon!" I called, without turning, when I had finished. He came slowly forward to the table, and stood beside it with hanging head. I tore the leaf from the book and pushed it over to him. "Take it," I ordered. "To the commander?" he asked. "I am to take it to the commander?"

Writing materials were kept in readiness here for these purposes a due array of quills, paper, inkhorn, wafers, sealing-wax, sand-box, and lights.

Surely he will abstain and return not to the like of this. 'I fear, said the princess, 'that, if I write to him, he will conceive hopes of me. Quoth the old woman, 'When he reads thy threats and menace of punishment, he will desist. So the princess called for inkhorn and paper and pen of brass and wrote the following verses: O thou who feignest thee the prey of love and wakefulness And plainst of that thou dost endure for passion and distress Thinkst thou, deluded one, to win thy wishes of the moon?

There was a great crowd of people, and two alguazils attended the magistrate, who was proceeding to his court, when Rodaja inquired his name. Being told, he replied, "Now, I would lay a wager that this judge has vipers in his bosom, pistols in his inkhorn, and flashes of lightning in his hands, to destroy all that shall come within his commission.