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Norton on Micah Mummychog, the last-named personage came to Mr. Dubois's house and Adèle happening to open the outside door, just as he hove in sight, he called out, "Miss Ady, do ye know where that individooal that ye brought to my heouse yisterday, is?" "You mean the missionary?" said Adèle. "Well, yis, I spose so; where is he?" "He is engaged with a sick gentleman we have here.

Whether the matter became too serious to him for further jesting, or whether his hand became too weak to hold the pen, I cannot say. The article terminates as abruptly as did the life of its gentle, kind, ill-fated author. Ontil quite recent, I've bin a helthy individooal.

"I don't know," sez I; "the price of my show is 15 cents pur individooal." "& can't our Soisety go in free?" asked the female. "Not if I know it," sed I. "Crooil, crooil man!" she cried, & bust into teers. "Won't you let my darter in?" sed anuther of the exsentric wimin, taken me afeckshunitely by the hand. "O, please let my darter in, shee's a sweet gushin child of natur."

"Well, well," she muttered, getting breath. "We'll not talk of our individooal sorrers when affliction is general, Jane Browst. S'pose we hev Bone in, and hear the perticklers of the scrimmage at Blue's Gap. It's little time I've hed for news since," with a groan to close the subject finally.

"'An' I'm struck speshul, says Cherokee, 'about what Enright observes at the finish, that it's a instance where the more he wins, the more he loses; an' how this, his best season, is goin' to be his worst. I has experiences sim'lar myse'f onct. Which the cases is plumb parallel! "'This time when my own individooal game strikes somethin' an' glances off, is 'way back.

I knockt at the door, which it was opened unto me by a tall, slick-faced, solum lookin individooal, who turn'd out to be a Elder. "Mr. Shaker," sed I, "you see before you a Babe in the woods, so to speak, and he axes shelter of you." "Yay," sed the Shaker, and he led the way into the house, another Shaker bein sent to put my hosses and waggin under kiver.

On my way I was overtuk by a lurge krowd of Mormons, which they surroundid me & statid that they were goin into the Show free. "Wall," sez I, "ef I find a individooal who is goin round lettin folks into his show free, I'll let you know." "We've had a Revelashun biddin us go into A. Wards's Show without payin nothin!" thay showtid.

You take special note of her, Wopper, and if it should seem to you that they don't treat her well, you let me know. `Willum, says I, `I will trust me. `Well, then, says Willum, `there's one other individooal I want you to ferret out, that's the gentleman he must be an old gentleman now that saved my life when I was a lad, Mr Lawrence by name.

If he was not aweer, then we in this neighbourhood shall be only too glad to enlighten him. I distinctly assert that a certain individooal we all have in our thoughts has proved himself a traitor to the cause of the people. Comrades will understand me. And that's the question I wish to put. Mr.

"If you mean Hick Holt's Clearin', it's a leetle better'n six miles from here. He squats on Mud Crik." "There's a squatter upon it, then?" "On Holt's Clearin'? Wal, I shed rayther say there air a squatter on't, an' no mistake." "His name is Holt is it not?" "That same individooal." "Do you think I could procure a guide in Swampville some one who could show me the way to Holt's Clearing?"