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"Howld there, fer yer lives, ye divils!" howled Tom, "or the hull of ye'll be in hell in two howly minutes." At the cry Barney and Rory sprang to Angus's side and threw themselves upon the pike. Immediately they were followed by others, and the calamity was averted. "Up wid her now thin, me lads, God bliss ye!" cried Tom.

"Howly Mother!" exclaimed Belfast with a heave of the shoulders, "stand up, Jimmy." "Keep away from me then," said Wait, giving Belfast a petulant push, and reeling fetched against the doorpost. His cheekbones glistened as though they had been varnished. He snatched off his night-cap, wiped his perspiring face with it, flung it on the deck. "I am coming out," he declared without stirring. "No.

"His folks has come, an' Dad hain't caught on yet, an' they're pow-wowin' in the cabin. She's a daisy, an' he's all Harve claimed he was, by the looks of him." "Howly Smoke!" said Long Jack, climbing out covered with salt and fish-skin. "D'ye belave his tale av the kid an' the little four-horse rig was thrue?" "I knew it all along," said Dan. "Come an' see Dad mistook in his judgments."

Dillon, in the breathless silence having slowly untied the thongs, held his sack aslant between the two lights, and poured out a stream-nuggets and coarse bright gold. The crowd about the table drew audible breath. Nobody actually spoke at first, except O'Flynn, who said reverently: "Be the Siven! Howly Pipers! that danced at me gran'-mother's weddin' when the divvle called the chune!"

Molly flew off across the lawns to her own house, running so swiftly that she was out of sight in a moment. Then the Maynards, obeying Uncle Steve's command, ran to the kitchen door, and burst in upon Eliza as she was just finishing the breakfast preparations. "Howly saints!" she cried. "If it wasn't that I always ixpict yees to come in drownded, I'd be sheared to death!

It was a an accident that might have happened to anybody; and, oh, Grandma dear, wasn't it a narrow squeak for Stella!" "Howly saints!" ejaculated Eliza; "to think of them dear childer bein' shtruck be thunder, an' mighty near killed! Och, but ye're the chrazy wans! Whyever did ye go to yer tree-top shanty in such a shtorm? Bad luck to the botherin' little house!"

But the fellow would permit no argument, his quick temper caught fire instantly at the merest suggestion of remonstrance on my part, and he cut me short by exclaiming furiously: "Howly Sailor! Phwhat's the use av' talkin' about it? Ye've got to go below, and that's all there is about it. Will ye go p'aceably, or will I have to call some of the hands aft to make ye go?"

"Shure, Miss," protested Norah, in deprecation of Kitty's flashing eye, "there's thim that's lived among shnakes and poysin riptiles and faverous disayses that's particklar av the beds and sheets they lie on. Hisht! Howly Mother! it's something else he's wanting now!"

The girl sat down and poured me out some coffee, and then she said. 'Howly Saint Patrick, but I blave those pancakes are burning, and she went out in the kitchen.

Cecil uttered a feeble yelp as the calf came racing past, waved his arms, and executed a few mild steps towards him attentions which but served to accelerate the Shorthorn's flight. He went by the city lad like a meteor, rendering useless a wild run by Wally, who was just too late to head him. Murty O'Toole uttered a shout of wrath. "Howly Ann! He's lost him!