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"Good-marnin', young sir," stammered the washerwoman. "Sure an' I didn't ixpict to see you here." "I suppose not. But come in, and I will call Miss Dora." "No need to call me, if you please," came in a silvery voice from the hall, and Dora appeared, as bright and fresh as ever. "I would have been down before, only I had to wait on mamma." "And how is she?"

So of pretty light fabrics she made many summer dresses, for wear mourning she would not. When calmness returned to Mary, she had told the Dolans the whole story. "Now do you ixpict me to grieve for the man?" she asked. "Fiftane years with him, through his lying tongue, whin by ivery right of our souls and our bodies, Dannie Micnoun and I belanged to each other. Mourn for him! I'm glad he's dead!

Would anny one," he said with exasperation, "would anny one that got a plain order for goats ixpict t' have t' furnish goats that would hop up off th' earth an' make a balloon ascension? 'Tis no fault of Dennis Toole's thim goats won't swim. What will Mike be telegraphin' me nixt, I wonder? 'Dear Dennis: Th' goats won't lay eggs.

Molly flew off across the lawns to her own house, running so swiftly that she was out of sight in a moment. Then the Maynards, obeying Uncle Steve's command, ran to the kitchen door, and burst in upon Eliza as she was just finishing the breakfast preparations. "Howly saints!" she cried. "If it wasn't that I always ixpict yees to come in drownded, I'd be sheared to death!

But what cud ye ixpict? I will throw both letters into the secret dossier. "'What's that? says Matther Blamange. "'It's a collection iv pomes wrote to th' Paris papers be spies, says th' prisident. 'Call Colonel Peekhart, if th' others ar-re not through. What, you again, Peekhart? Set down, sir. "'Gintlemen iv Fr-rance, says Colonel Peekhart.

Manny iv thim will have money enough f'r to return, but they'll be much sufferin' among thim. I ixpict to have people dhroppin' in here nex' fall with subscription books f'r th' survivors iv th' Paris exhibition.

I don't know what Lem Stiggins iv Kansas, marked down in th' roll, Private in th' Twintieth Kansas, Severely, I don't know what Private Severely thinks iv it. An' I wuddent like to know till afther Thanks-givin'." "Don't be blatherin'," said Mr. Hennessy. "Sure ye can't ixpict people to be inthrested f'river in a first performance." "No," said Mr.

'Me an' Mike is watchin' ye' he says, 'an' we ixpict ye to do ye'er duty, he says. 'Through you, he says, 'I propose to smash th' vile Chinee with me mailed fist, he says. 'This is no six- ounce glove fight, but demands a lunch-hook done up in eight-inch armor plate, he says.

"You will have to confiss it, and you'd be ashamed to face the praste." "I would not," cried Mary. "Father Michael knows I'm just an ordinary woman, he don't ixpict me to be an angel." But she left the sentence unfinished.