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Beverly did not ask whether she must number herself among that herd but the fact had been implied nevertheless, and she smarted under what she felt to be an unmerited and unduly severe rebuke, if not an open insult. She was still smarting as she sat hidden in her nook, and sorely in need of an antidote for the smart. Presently it came in the homeopathic form of like curing like.

Metaphysics do not originate the trouble; their very existence proves the priority of the disease which they attempt to relieve " "Decidedly a homeopathic remedy," interrupted her guardian, smiling. "But, sir, the questions which disturb my mind are older than my acquaintance with so-called philosophic works. They have troubled me from my childhood."

"A homeopathic remedy more fatigue." We started on our usual brisk roundabout walk to the apartment. But instead of going to bed, Kennedy drew a book from the bookcase. "I shall read myself to sleep to-night," he explained, settling deeply in his chair. As for me, I went directly to my room, planning that to-morrow I would take several hours off and catch up in my notes.

In 1861 Mrs. Patterson's physical condition was so desperate that she appealed to Quimby. Her husband had had some interest in homeopathy and she was doubtless influenced by the then peculiar theories of the homeopathic school. Under Quimby's treatment she was physically reborn and apparently spiritually as well.

Had he only known other girls, he might have made a safe recovery, for love's remedy is truly the homeopathic "similia similibus curantur," woman plural being the natural cure for woman singular. As the Russian in the "Last Word" says, "A woman can do anything with a man provided there is no other woman." In Peter's case there was no other woman.

To make a long story short, as the saying goes, the poor players cleared over three hundred dollars by the night's show, while the distinguished artists who gave grand opera in homeopathic doses in another end of the town sang to almost empty benches. Handy told no untruth when he announced on the bills that "those who witnessed the performance will never forget it."

The complaint of Shaw's patients was, for the most part, a severe inflammation of the eyes, occasioned by exposure to the sun, a species of disorder which he treated with some success. He had brought with him a homeopathic medicine chest, and was, I presume, the first who introduced that harmless system of treatment among the Ogallalla.

Homeopathic medication, therefore, is not only curative in its effects, but also conservative and in the highest degree economic. Homeopathy, a Complement of Nature Cure

"It's both, my dear; sit up and drink it off." Miriam still eyed the bowl. "Is it homeopathic or allopathic?" she asked. "Neither the one or the other," was the discreet reply; "it is Panneyopathic, and just the thing for a girl who wants to get out of bed as soon as she can." Miriam looked full into the bright black eyes, and then took the bowl, and drank every drop of the contents.

But if you had only been good enough to mention these facts some thirty years ago, I should have turned my particular attention to sin, and I think that by this time I should not only have had you pretty permanently asleep on the entire list of human vices, but reduced to the size of a homeopathic pill, at that. That is about the style of conscience I am pining for.