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Updated: August 19, 2024

The distant fells were drawn upon the sky in the heavenliest brushings of blue and purple; the river thundered over its falls and weirs in a foamy splendour; and the deer were feeding with a new zest amid the fast-greening grass. He stopped a moment to rest upon his stick and look about him. Something in his own movement reminded him of another solitary walk some five weeks before.

Sister Benigna! what had she recollected? that but a single day perhaps was hers to live, and here were all these children! As she turned with ardent zeal to her work which indeed had not failed of accustomed conduct so far as routine went tell me what do you find in those lovely eyes if not the heavenliest assurances?

Why it's a perfectly elegant hole! So he flew down and got that acorn, and fetched it up and dropped it in, and was just tilting his head back, with the heavenliest smile on his face, when all of a sudden he was paralyzed into a listening attitude and that smile faded gradually out of his countenance like breath off'n a razor, and the queerest look of surprise took its place.

President Steyn and his secretary accompanied De Wet during the day and had a taste of the enemy's shell-fire. When we asked the secretary that evening how he had liked the ordeal he said he could hardly describe his feelings whilst it lasted, but when the shelling ceased it was the heavenliest sensation of his life. So if you want a heavenly sensation you know now how to get it.

I am not talking about the ship, ma'am. But the plan in general is a masterpiece." "But I do not see," Plinny confessed, with a small puckering of the brows, "that I have suggested anything that can be called a plan." "Why, ma'am, you have been talking heavenliest common sense, and once you've started us upon common sense there's no such thing as a difficulty.

His mother, full as was her heart of her new child, watched his countenance anxiously. The light under his face grew and grew, till his face was radiant. Then out of the midst of the shining broke the heavenliest smile she had ever seen on human countenance a smile that was a clearer revelation of God than ten thousand books about him.

Peter's was not a place to talk; one who knew enough to absorb in silence; one, in fact, who understood! Such comprehensive silence was to my ragged spirit balm and healing. Beware, oh, beware with whom you travel! One uncongenial person in the party one man who sneers at sentiment, one woman whose point of view is material can ruin the loveliest journey and dampen one's heavenliest enthusiasm.

Yes, Edith and Charley had got home before her she would go and see Edith. She opened the door and went in with a swish of silk and patchouli. The candles were unlit. Miss Darrell, still wearing her hat and scarlet wrap, sat at the window contemplating the heavenly bodies. "All in the dark, Dithy, and thinking by the 'sweet silver light of the moon? O Edie! isn't it just the heavenliest night?"

They would all have pinks and rosebuds to carry away with them, to remember the Sunday by, and to be forever linked, in their tender color and fragrance, with the dim apprehension of somewhat holy. There would be an association for them of the heavenly things unseen with the heavenliest things that are seen. Mr.

By all the rights of heavenliest joy and deepest agony is he not mine? Have I not a right to help him in his future? "Now I hold him in my arms, my flesh, my blood, my life. I hold him on my heart now: he is mine. I can shield him from danger: if he should fall into the flames, I could reach in after him, and die with him, or save him.

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