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The single and melancholy association he had with it was the quaking hymn which his grandfather used to sing in a cracked and quavering voice: "While shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the ground." The "glory" that "shone around" at the end of it the doleful voice always repeating, "and glory shone around " made John as miserable as "Hark! from the tombs."

"Hark how they cry 'Down with the Spaniards! It is lucky for them that we are not part of the Spanish army." "As to that," I answered, "it is as easy to shout for one side as for the other. It is only a matter of words, after all." "Well," he laughed, "if cheers were bullets, we need not go short of ammunition."

I asked, when she had found me out. "'Tis the worst that could happen," she whispered. "You are discovered, both of you. Colonel Tarleton was too shrewd for us. He has let it be known among the officers that there are two spies in the house, and now Hark! what is that?" We were standing in a deep window-bay and I drew the curtain an inch or two.

I know that he was set upon making this expedition, not only for the sake of the orchid, but also for some other reason of which he would not speak. I think that the old fellow must be dead." Hark! What's that?" and he pointed to some gardenia bushes in the shadow of the house near by, whence came a sound of something that moved. "A dog, I expect, or perhaps it is Hans.

The small Seal which aforetime I was wont to take with me abroad lieth in my treasury. And, since the Great Seal hath flown away, shall not it suffice? Hast lost thy wits? Begone! And hark ye come no more till thou do bring his head."

"Hark to the gods, who threaten thee with death, that thou hast dared to lift thine arm against their servant!" As he spoke, the thunder rolled above; for one of the frequent storms of the early summer was about to break. The spear dropped from the prince's hand; he sat down and cast his eyes on the ground. "Wilt thou do the bidding of the stars, and reign?" said Morven.

"So you shall some day, Patty," said her brother, "but there's no getting into Bristol to buy one or to sell butter now. Hark! they are beginning again," as the growl of a heavy piece of cannon shook the ground. "I wonder where our Jeph is," said the little girl sadly. "How could he like to go among all those cruel fighting men? You won't go, Stead?" "No, indeed, I have got something else to do."

She buried her face once more in the pallet, threw her arms around the old man's form, and sobbed, "Grandfather! oh, grandfather!" "Hark! did I not hear cannon again? Are you sure the Union troops have won the victory?" came from the closing lips. "You are a soldier and a gentleman. You said your name was Craw Crawford. A good old name. Never mind me take care of Marion.

Another day two at the most and I have my case complete, but until then guard your charge as closely as ever a fond mother watched her ailing child. Your mission today has justified itself, and yet I could almost wish that you had not left his side. Hark!" A terrible scream a prolonged yell of horror and anguish burst out of the silence of the moor.

"Only enough to daze him till he be safe in our quarters and for that the sooner the better. Here, call Anton to take his heels. We'll get him forth now as a fellow of our own." "Hark! What's that?" "Gentlemen," said the host hurrying in, "here be some of the gentlemen of the English Cardinal, calling for a nephew of one of them, who they say is in this house."