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Even as Clint's informant ended there came a burst of handclapping and Harry Westcott, who was umpiring, announced: "The games are 5 3. Holt leads." Amy had the service and secured two aces at once, Holt returning twice into the net. Then a double fault put the score 30 15. Holt got the next service and lobbed. Amy ran up and smashed it safe into the further corner of the court.

The old Southerner gazed triumphantly at the men who had sought to destroy him. It was with difficulty that the presiding officer could hammer down the burst of handclapping that arose from the galleries. Senator Horton, however, was not satisfied with Langdon's sudden ascendency. "How do we know that that letter is not a forgery, a trick?" he exclaimed.

The professors sat bored and mute on the platform beside him, while he evacuated the forty-year-old wheeze of "your great-great-great-grandfather might have been a monkey, but, thank God, mine was not!" he won the usual great response of handclapping and laughter with this....

The horror o' the thocht leaves him braithless; an' back he tairns an' like a hawk deeps sweeftly but gracefully into the aerodrome saved!" "Bravo, Tam!" They gave him his due reward with great handclapping and Tam bowed left and right, his forage cap in his hand. "Folks," he said, "ma next pairformance will be duly annoonced." Tam came from the Clyde.

They danced again, and in the handclapping that followed the first number he turned to find the Governor, calm and with no marks of his escapade upon him, bowing before Miss Seebrook. "Really, I must break in! Just a little fragment of this waltz! More capricious and jazzy measures have their day but the waltz endures forever! Don't frown at me that way, Comly!

His mallet whirled in the air, there was a crack like a pistol shot, and the ball flew over the amazed goalkeeper's head and between the posts. The yelling and handclapping of the few spectators almost drowned the umpire's whistle. "By gad, that was a corker!" said he of Chantilly, as the ponies' wild gallop eased to a canter.

When Broussard entered the ball-room he was greeted with a great roar of applause, and when he danced the first dance with Anita once more there was applause and something in the eyes of the smiling, handclapping crowd that brought the ever-ready color into Anita's delicately lovely face. It was a beautiful ball, as all military balls are, and lasted late. When the C. O. and Mrs.

Broussard smilingly picked up Anita's cavalry cap, which had fallen on the tanbark, brushed it and put it on Anita's pretty head; some words, unheard by others, passed between them. The mare then lay perfectly quiet. Broussard, amid the roar of cheers and shouts and furious handclapping and music, got the mare on her feet.

A burst of handclapping from the girls drew his eyes to the Little Lady drawing herself out of the tank at the other end. Again he ran down the side of the tank, and again she climbed the scaffold. But this time his wind and endurance enabled him to cut down her lead, so that she was driven to the twenty-foot platform.

Then there broke forth a great round of handclapping, and during this Jim slipped out. He was not much deceived by the applause. He knew that it would take more than a burst of eloquence to overcome the influences at work against the Service. He returned to the dam that night, Pen and Sara came up the next day and that evening Jim went over to call.