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And to the audience he sang, "Oh, ain't it great to have a little girlie you can trust for life!" They were still muttering angrily as they came off. The handclapping had been faint. "Aw, for God's sake, stop your jawin'!" half screamed Florette. "It ain't no more my fault than it is yours. If they don' like us they don' like us, tha's all." She ran up the stairs, sobbing. Howard followed her.

He even ran across to peer into our own faces to see how we liked it. With a sudden crescendo the music stopped. Involuntarily we broke into handclapping. The old boy looked a bit startled at this, but we explained to him, and he seemed very pleased.

The chatter of the careless girls dwindled, the faces of the rival drivers grew pale and tense. "Oh, be careful!" murmured Miss Herron. "It's very dangerous." "Very," replied Archie. "Promise me Lucy and I'll slow up." A sudden little shriek of joy and some handclapping from Mayer's tonneau interrupted what the old lady might have answered.

"One minute an' forty-nine seconds!" announced the Mayor and the crowd cheered wildly. Upon the lumber pile Alice Marcum ceased her handclapping as her eyes met those of a cowboy who had ridden up unobserved and sat his horse at almost the exact spot that had, a few moments before, been occupied by Purdy. She was conscious of a start of surprise.

I sat among the elite of the Bavarian capital in a large hall with even the standing room filled, when a black-bearded professor stepped upon the stage amid a flutter of handclapping and proceeded to his task without any introduction. He was a Professor of Hatred, and it soon became quite clear that he was full of his subject.

Even in this one they have not introduced applause, though there was slight handclapping once or twice when the curtain went down. The Japanese have always had the revolving theater as a means of scene shifting; it works like a railway turntable apparently. Well, that ended the day yesterday.