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From the unpainted side of the stage-sets I listened to the salvoes of handclapping that were waves lifting him to success. When at last the ordeal was over and my friend's triumph assured, he led me along the whitewashed walls to the star's dressing room. In response to his rapping, the door opened on a scene of confusion.

When the "coming champion," as Billy's opponent was introduced, stepped into the ring he received a hearty round of applause, whereas there was but a scattered ripple of handclapping to greet the mucker.

I reckon he has lost somethin'." "'Spect he has lost his case," remarked Buckskin Breeches, stooping to spit tobacco juice on the floor. At this moment a cheer, seconded by general handclapping, announced the coming of Burr and his counsel, Clay and Allen.

All these disconnected thoughts flashed through his mind in something under half-a-minute, and then Varick made his pleasant little speech, welcoming the people there, and saying he hoped there would ensue a long and pleasant connection between them. There was a great deal more stamping of feet and handclapping, and then gradually the company, gentle and simple, dispersed.

Every now and then, the wailing of a heated, irritable infant rose above the din, to be quieted more or less angrily by its mother. John looked at his watch. "Most time to start," he whispered. Indeed, the audience was beginning to grow restless. In the rear rows, a claque started a steady handclapping, and cat-calls and hisses from unmannerly boys became more and more frequent.

"In spite of all you can do, some day, my hero, Jack Harkness, will find this den and rescue me!" Prolonged handclapping came from the more genteel portion of the audience, mingled with cheers and cat-calls from the gallery. The villain laughed sardonically. "Still you hope for rescue by him?" "I do." "Then wait." He pressed a convenient button.

For nearly half an hour she spoke without a break, then she called me to her side and put one of her wings caressingly about my shoulders. I did not know what she said, but a great wave of handclapping and flapping of wings answered her. She turned to me with glowing face.

And come he did, in a swan dive that was almost professional and that brought handclapping approval from the girls. "A sweet dive, balanced beautifully," Graham told him as he emerged from the tank. Bert tried to appear unconscious of the praise, failed, and, to pass it off, plunged into the wager.

The boys in long trousers looked at it rather disdainfully and sauntered over with their hands in their pockets, feeling that their intelligence was being insulted. But the girls ran over with much handclapping and many little shouts of glee. "It's a camel!" "Well, if he isn't the funniest!"

The gringo is telling his friends adios while he may!" some one shouted loudly from across the arena; and a great laugh roared from the throats that were dark, and handclapping at the witticism made the speaker a self-conscious caballero indeed.