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His voice had risen, and I put up my hand to warn him. "H'sh!" I said. "You'll wake the other fellows." He repeated his question, but in a lower tone. I hesitated, before answering him. I felt, all at once, that it might be better to deny all knowledge to say I hadn't seen anything unusual. I thought quickly, and made answer on the turn of the moment. "What was what?" I said.

"I'm wore out," ses Dixon, leaning agin the bar. "I've got no pride left; it's all been knocked out of me. How's Julia?" "She's all right," ses Charlie. "Here, Ju " "H'sh!" ses Dixon, reaching over the bar and laying his 'and on his arm. "Don't let 'er know too sudden; break it to 'er gently." "Fiddlesticks!" ses Charlie, throwing his 'and off and calling, "Here, Julia! He's come back." Mrs.

"When the Indians found me I was delirious," continued Mr. Tucker, in a hushed voice, "and when I came to my senses I found that they were calling me 'Amelia." Mr. Clark attempted to relieve the situation by a jocose inquiry as to whether he was wearing a mustache at the time, but Mrs. Bowman frowned him down. He began to whistle under his breath, and Mrs. Bowman promptly said, "H'sh!"

"I trust we are not disturbing important business, sir?" said Mr. James the younger dryly. "Sh, sh! Abby, my dear, don't take your eyes out of it for twenty minutes, and you'll see the soldiers." And the old gentleman winked at James and Jamie, and became still purpler with laughter that was struggling to be heard. "As for that child of mine" "Psst! h'sh!" and Mr.

He spent the evening at the Charlton Arms, and, returning late, went slowly and heavily up to bed. In the light of a shaded candle he saw a small, objectionable-looking infant fast asleep on two chairs by the side of the bed. "H'sh!" said his wife, in a thrilling whisper. "He's just gone off." "D'ye mean I mustn't open my mouth in my own bedroom?" demanded the indignant man, loudly.

'To begin a night's work with that noise. Does he think that our buck are like his fat Waingunga bullocks? 'H'sh. It is neither bullock nor buck he hunts to-night, said Mother Wolf. 'It is Man. The whine had changed to a sort of humming purr that seemed to come from every quarter of the compass.

Davis, who was also suffering from the stiff grandeur of his surroundings, nodded. "P'r'aps you'd better start, in case she reckernizes my voice," he said, slowly. "Pitch it in strong about me and 'ow I was always wondering what had 'appened to her." "You're in luck, that's wot you are," said his friend, enviously. "I've only seen furniture like thiss in shop windows before. H'sh! Here she comes."

Billing, with a look of conscious virtue on his jolly face, listened with much satisfaction to his friend's compliments. "It's such an example," said the latter. "Now we've got you the others will follow like sheep. You will be a bright lamp in the darkness." "Wot's good enough for me ought to be good enough for them," said Mr. Billing, modestly. "They'd better not let me catch " "H'sh!

They say the thieves only picked out the papers they could dispose of, and left all the rest, which would indicate that the second yegg must have been in the banking line, some time or other, and knew what was what." "H'sh! he's coming on again! Lie low, now; Andy!" Accordingly both of them remained perfectly motionless as the professor advanced toward the house.

But I didn't think he'd frighten me so. Dick returned to town next day just in time for lunch, for which he had telegraphed. To his disgust, there were only empty plates in the studio. He lifted up his voice like the bears in the fairy-tale, and Torpenhow entered, looking guilty. 'H'sh! said he. 'Don't make such a noise. I took it. Come into my rooms, and I'll show you why.