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Updated: August 1, 2024

It was Gummy! "Hi, Janice! Your chimneys on fire!" he shouted, when he had stopped the horse. "Well, for goodness sake!" exclaimed Janice, "doesn't he suppose we know it, with all this crowd and noise and everything?" Gummy tumbled out of the covered wagon. He came down on all fours, he was in such a hurry; but he was up again in a moment. "Hi, Janice!

But her hair was 'lasses color, and she had it bobbed back so tight that I guess she couldn't shut her eyes until she undid it," chuckled Gummy. "Oh, Amy!" ejaculated Janice, with clasped hands, "that is the way Olga used to do her hair." "Not Olga, the Swede, who robbed you?" demanded the boy, interested at once. "Yes. It might be Olga. If you had only seen her face "

The light in the living room assured Janice that her father awaited her return, and bidding Amy and Gummy good-night at the gate, she ran into the house in great excitement. "Oh, Daddy! Daddy! Guess!" she cried to him. "Just think! She broke a big cutglass dish, and I'm 'most sure it's Olga " "Wait!" exclaimed Mr. Day, putting up both hands. "Mercy, I pray, my dear.

They were holding a consultation, evidently; and the very air felt gummy with latent advice. "What's the matter with your engine?" they chorused. "Why, there's something wrong with it!" I explained cheerfully, as I went aboard again. I began to crank, praying steadily for a miracle. Now and then I managed to coax forth a gaseous chortle or two.

Ferrall or with Miss Caithness, or perhaps with some doddering caryatid of the social structure; and he'd sit there, leering with gummy eyes out of the club windows, while servants in silent processional replenished his glass from time to time, until in the early night the trim little shopgirls flocked out into the highways in gossiping, fluttering coveys, trotting away across the illuminated asphalt, north and south to their thousand dingy destinations.

When of the proper consistency it may be spread upon sticks or twigs prepared for it, and which should afterwards be placed in the locality selected for the capture of the birds. An excellent bird-lime may be made also from plain linseed-oil, by boiling it down until it becomes thick and gummy.

"'You know, I expect to christen them, Gumswith, he said to Gummy, 'and I want to be sure to get the names right. What are they? "And what do you suppose Gummy said?" "I am sure I couldn't guess," Janice declared. "Let's see: the twins are Sydney and Kate, aren't they? "That is right," giggled Amy. "But Gummy told the minister we had decided to call them 'Kidney and Steak'!"

This deposit contains a bitter salt in addition, probably the nitrate of lime; the natives, in order to render it palatable and wholesome, mix the salt with the juice of a gummy plant, then place it in the sand and bake it by making a fire over it; the lime then becomes insoluble and tasteless. The Bamangwato keep large flocks of sheep and goats at various spots on this side of the Desert.

"It was just about the most horrible ten minutes I ever had, blundering about in that darkness, pressure something awful, like being buried in sand, pain across the chest, sick with funk, and breathing nothing as it seemed but the smell of rum and mackintosh. Gummy! After a bit, I found myself going up a steepish sort of slope.

Don't kick about the old name before Momsy. You see, I guess Uncle John wanted them to name a boy after him; and maybe they thought if they did so it might do me some good sometime." "Oh, Gummy! That your uncle would give you money because you were named after him?" "Yes," said Gummy, nodding. "I don't know. But " "And your uncle's never been heard from? You never saw him, even?"

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