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"What are you doing these days?" McCrea wanted to know. "Anything besides testing new boats at Dunhaven?" "You must greet them as comrades, McCrea," continued Lieutenant Ulwin. "What? Cadets at Annapolis?" In this case McCrea wondered at their being there, for cadets would be considered forward who visited an officers' club. "Benson is a lieutenant, his friends ensigns," replied Ulwin.

'Then the same day at evening ... came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. JOHN xx. 19. So did our Lord greet His sad followers. The first of these salutations was addressed to the women as they hurried in the morning from the empty tomb bewildered; the second to the disciples assembled in the upper room in the evening of the same day.

Without further question, as a man goes forward to meet a necessity, quiet and self-possessed, so did she, boldly and of good courage, go on her way. She had not gone far when she saw a farmer sitting by the wayside, with a red cane between his legs; and on this cane he was resting his two hands and his chin. "God greet you," said Amrei. "Are you enjoying a rest?" "Yes. Where are you going?"

So well as might be he brushed his person; straightened his hat; clapped handkerchief to his mouth; past staring eyes, grinning faces, hurried out of the Park to bury himself in a cab. From a window Mrs. Chater saw the bruised figure of her darling boy alight; with palpitating heart rushed to greet him. "Bob! My boy! My boy! What has happened?" Her boy brushed past; bounded to his room.

Russe told me the Hospital examiners said they had never passed such a perfect specimen of health." He stopped suddenly and bit his lips in pain. Would he not follow his grandfather's example if he had the chance? "What in the world is the meaning of all this?" Louis had arrived by an earlier train than he was expected and only his mother was at home to greet him.

So saying, Templeton waved away his nephew, and musingly pursued his path towards Hyde Park Corner, where his carriage awaited him. As soon as he entered his demesnes, he saw his wife's daughter running across the lawn to greet him. His heart softened; he checked the carriage and descended: he caressed her, he played with her, he laughed as she laughed. No parent could be more fond.

There Percival Tubbs patiently explained, for the hundredth time, with just what words she must greet her guests, as Harkness announced them; and Robin listened dutifully, with her thoughts on the hillside beyond the long windows where already red sleds were flying up and down the snowy slope and childish voices were lifting in glee. True to Mrs. Budge's predictions, Mrs.

At the opposite end of the boat stood an oddly shaped cage, and several large boxes of sandalwood were piled near the center of the craft. As the boat approached the shore the fat little man got upon his feet and bowed several times in the direction of those who had assembled to greet him, and as he bowed he flourished his white cap in an energetic manner.

A carriage is coming, and a post-horn sounded. They have arrived!" Old Trude hurried out just as they drove up to the door. The steward and two servants in livery rushed down the steps to assist them to alight, and Trude also to greet her favorite, who was now so pale, grave, and chilling in her appearance.

They used to say of Oneida Lake, that when the Great Spirit formed the world "his smile rested on its waters and Frenchman's Island rose to greet it; he laughed and Lotus Island came up to listen." So they built lodges on their shores and skimmed their waters in canoes.