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Well, finally, when it began to grow dusk, we found a wild turkey bird roosting on a tree limb and granddaddy said, 'Hush, I aims ter shoot hit right thru ther head. When you get it look where the bullet went. Now perhaps you would like to hear about what I have been doing. Well, I have been doing many things, but most of all I have been studying.

He gave Miss Merriman a significant look; but his only response was, "Well, unless you want another job that of bringing back to life people who have starved to death you had better get us a bite to eat and some of your strong coffee. My internal anatomy ..." "Oh, I plumb forgot. You haven't had a thing to eat nor poor granddaddy, either. I'm so ashamed I could die."

And what does Anne say to that?" "She thinks just as I do about it. Oh, she's the right sort, granddaddy, so you needn't worry about us, once we are married." "Perhaps I should have asked what her mother has to say about it." "Well, she gave us her blessing," said his grandson, with a happy grin. "After she had heard about your plan to live on the results of your practice?"

"I would," said Tom, coolly, running his hands in his pockets. "I tell you, you don't know my granddaddy. He's got lots of fun in him," he added. "Phronsie," said Jasper, rushing around the table, "you are making Polly sick. Just look at her face." Phronsie lifted her head where she had burrowed it under Polly's arm.

The chap couldn't quite hear, but says he thinks he whispered, 'Good-bye, granddaddy. Awfully affecting scene—" "'Good-bye, granddaddy," Anne repeated, dully. Then she covered her eyes with her hands. Simmy fidgeted. He wanted to help, but felt oddly that he was very much out of place. George's big hand gripped his arm.

What am I to say to her when she asks me if I expect you and Anne to live on what you can earn out of your ridiculous profession?" "I think that's all pretty well understood," said Braden easily. "You do Mrs. Tresslyn an injustice, granddaddy. She says it will be a splendid thing for Anne to struggle along as we shall have to do for a while. Character building, is the way she puts it."

Granddaddy pays me 10 cents a week for keeping house for him, too. Isn't he good? Don't you think I ought to be a very happy little girl? Well, I am, and I guess my face is getting all out of shape, I find so many things to smile about. Your affectionate friend, Rose. P. S. Please give my love and a turkey drumstick to Mike. Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts. December 23, 1912.

You will do this for your poor old granddaddy who has loved you well and who suffers to-day as no man in all this world has ever suffered before. I am in agony. Nothing stops the pain. Everything has failed. You will do this for me, Braden?" The young man raised his haggard face. Infinite pity had succeeded horror in his eyes. Simmy Dodge emerged from Sherry's at nine-thirty. He was leaving Mrs.

Take your old granddaddy back to bed, and send me a customer that can keep the saddle all day, and sleep in a pond of water all night, if need be." "He is not so feeble as he looks," I replied, giving Fred a quiet signal, which he understood, and therefore rose and sauntered near the counter, so that he could be in the rear of the stockman, in case he was disposed to use violence.

"Don't." begged Phronsie, her hand on his sleeve, "go up that big white needle, Tom." "No, I won't; it's safe to promise that," he said grimly, with a little laugh. "Good reason why; because I can't. The little mother wouldn't sleep nights just to think of it, and I promised the granddaddy that I wouldn't so much as think of it, and here I am breaking my word; but I can't help it."