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Ruggles, you and S. Behrman and Genslinger and Shelgrim and the whole gang of thieves of you you'll wake this State of California up some of these days by going just one little bit too far, and there'll be an election of Railroad Commissioners of, by, and for the people, that'll get a twist of you, my bunco-steering friend you and your backers and cappers and swindlers and thimble-riggers, and smash you, lock, stock, and barrel.

HERE are two industries that MUST be in harmony with one another, or we all go to pot." "I should prefer not to be interviewed on the subject, Mr. Genslinger," said Magnus. "Oh, no, oh, no. Lord love you, Governor, I don't want to interview you. We all know how you stand." Again there was a long silence. Magnus wondered what this little man, usually so garrulous, could want of him.

"Genslinger don't know, that's all. He thinks there was no understanding that the price of the land should not be advanced when the P. and S. W. came to sell to us." "Oh," muttered Osterman relieved.

Why should you get all the benefit of the rise in value and the railroad nothing? The fair way would be to share it between you." "I don't care anything about that," declared Annixter. "They agreed to charge but two-fifty, and they've got to stick to it." "Well," murmured Genslinger, "from what I know of the affair, I don't believe the P. and S. W. intends to sell for two-fifty an acre, at all.

But the plague-spot was in himself, knitted forever into the fabric of his being. Though Genslinger should be silenced, though Lyman should be crushed, though even the League should overcome the Railroad, though he should be the acknowledged leader of a resplendent victory, yet the plague-spot would remain. There was no success for him now.

"Yes," said Genslinger, still more deliberately, "and some phases of it were more interesting than others, as, for instance, let us say the way in which you personally secured the votes of certain chairmen of delegations NEED I particularise further? Yes, those men the way you got their votes. Now, THAT I should say, Mr. Derrick, was the most interesting move in the whole game to you.

At length, Genslinger began again. He did not look at Magnus, except at long intervals. "About the present Railroad Commission," he remarked. "That was an interesting campaign you conducted in Sacramento and San Francisco." Magnus held his peace, his hands shut tight. Did Genslinger know of Lyman's disgrace? Was it for this he had come?

Genslinger rose, smoothing his hat. "Well," he said, "of course, you want time to think it over, and you can't raise money like that on short notice. I'll wait till Friday noon of this week. We begin to set Saturday's paper at about four, Friday afternoon, and the forms are locked about two in the morning.

The most abiding impression that Genslinger's editorial made upon him was, that possibly the "Mercury" was not subsidised by the corporation after all. If it was; Genslinger would not have been led into making his mistake as to the value of the land.

Why, Magnus, it's like me going out in a paper boat and shooting peas at a battleship." "Is that all you wished to see me about, Mr. Genslinger?" remarked Magnus, bestirring himself. "I am rather occupied to-day." "Well," returned the other, "you know what the publication of this article would mean for you."