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Updated: August 2, 2024

Weller, 'as vell as for the other kind and gen'rous people o' the same purfession, as sets people by the ears, free gratis for nothin', and sets their clerks to work to find out little disputes among their neighbours and acquaintances as vants settlin' by means of lawsuits all I can say o' them is, that I vish they had the reward I'd give 'em.

But great the strength, Which gen'rous wine imparts to men who toil And that gives additional force. But he who first with food and wine refreshed All day maintains the combat with the foe. His spirit retains unbroken, and his limbs Unwearied till both armies quit the field. So spake he, and Pontonous mixed the gladdening wine.

One Night in Seven at this convenient Seat Indulgent Bocaj did the Muses treat; Their Drink was gen'rous Wine and Kit-Cat's Pyes their Meat. About the year 1700 this gathering of wits produced a club in which the great Whig chiefs were associated with foremost Whig writers, Tonson being Secretary.

You remember how he drew Twombley-Crane as the first one that he had to unload a kind and gen'rous act on, and how I made him give up the picture that he'd gloated over so long? Well, J. Bayard can't seem to get over the way that turned out.

But gen'rous ene-mies may meet upon the neutral sile of private life, I think. The languid Mr Pogram shook hands with Martin, like a clock-work figure that was just running down. But he made amends by chewing like one that was just wound up. 'Mr Pogram, said the introducer, 'is a public servant, sir.

"'Whatever be these y ere broncos doin' yere? says Dave, for we allows, the first dash outen the box, mebby the Britons makes a purchase. "One of the towerists tells a long an' delighted story about the gen'rosity of the Injuns. "'Actooally, says this towerist,"them gen'rous savages leads up these yere nine ponies an' donates 'em.

"O Hayat al-Nufus, be gen'rous, and incline * To one who loving thee for parting's doomed to pine. I was in all delight, in gladsomest of life, * But now I am distraught with sufferings condign.

"Brer Chesterfiel' Jones, please ter rise an' receive de thanks o' de congergation fur dat gen'rous five-dollar bill wha' you sont up by Brer Phil Dolittle." He paused here, and feeling all eyes turned upon me, I was constrained to rise to my feet, and I think I can truly say that I have never been surprised by greater embarrassment than I felt as I hurriedly subsided to the depths of my corner.

Come, lovely Peace, from heav'n descending, Thy presence earth at length shall grace; Those terrible afflictions ending, That long have griev'd a gen'rous race: We see Aurora rise refulgent; Serene she comes to bless our sight; While Fortune to our hopes indulgent, Bids victory and peace unite.

"Ten bob," he bargained; "an' you runnin' awye with th' stuffy ol' gent's fair darter? Come now, guvner, is it gen'rous? Myke it a quid an' " "A pound then. Will you hurry?" By way of answer the fellow scrambled hastily up to the box and snatched at the reins. "Ck! Gee-e hup!" he cried sonorously. By now the mews had wakened to the fact of the presence of a "toff" in its midst.

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