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Updated: August 20, 2024

This is just a line to tell you that Fulsbee has a steady job with the company, and that he'll need the services of at least forty men, all of whom must be voters in this county. The pay will be seventy-five a month and keep, with extra allowance for horses." Sheriff Grease didn't look much more pleasant than he felt. "Are you homeward bound -when you go?" continued Reade. The sheriff nodded.

"Professor, don't think of running yourself into any danger. Look on, with me." "Rifles are all given out, now, anyway," called Dave Fulsbee coolly. "Now, youngsters, I'm going to show you where to station yourselves. Mr. Reade, have you seen anything through the glasses that looks interesting?"

As for Black's followers, now that they knew the nature of the trick that had fooled them, several of them hung back. "You fellows needn't think you can balk now," observed Fulsbee grimly. "You're all of you handcuffed, and there are enough of us to handle you. I promise you that, if anyone of you tries to run away, I won't run after him until I've first tried dropping him with a shot."

Two or three of his gang were willing enough to talk, but they knew little, as Black had carried all his plans and schemes in his own head. "No matter!" muttered Dave Fulsbee. "My two men and I were close to that thicket for some time before we broke in on the affair. We heard enough to supply all the evidence that the courts will want against these worthies."

"That gave me a hint of how the wind was blowing," Tom continued, "though I couldn't make out enough of their talk, on either occasion, to learn just what was happening. I telegraphed to the nearest town that had a sheriff in it, and that put me in touch with Fulsbee. Then Dave, over the wire, offered to bring arms here and to help us to defend our camp." "Mr.

Gracious, how tired I am! If Fulsbee knew just how I feel at this moment he wouldn't send for me. But of course he doesn't know." Stepping outside, Tom looked about, espying his pony standing where it had been tied to one of the porch pillars of the station.

Nevertheless Reade did not object when Fulsbee called for volunteers. If any new firing was to be encountered it was better to risk a small force rather than a large one. Harry Hazelton was one of the six volunteers who rode out with Deputy Dave. Though they searched the country for miles they did not encounter any of the late raiders. Neither did they find any dead or wounded men.

"Here, you fellows," called Tom, almost gayly, as he ran to where engineers and chainmen men were standing in little groups, talking gloomily over the forenoon's work. "Get in line, here -a whole crowd of you!" Dave Fulsbee was now riding briskly toward the centre of the camp, ahead of the wagon for which he had gone down the trail.

"By Jove," Tom admitted, flushing guiltily, "I quite forgot to keep the lenses turned on the hills to the west." He now made good for his omission, while Fulsbee led his young men away, stationing them in hiding places along the westward edge of the camp. Each man with a rifle was ordered not to rise from the ground, or to show himself in any way, and not to fire unless orders were given.

"See how Fulsbee is throwing up dust and bits of rock all along that rattled line." Hazelton watched, his face showing an appreciative grin. "It has the scoundrels scared and going!" Hazelton yelled back. Fully fifteen hundred cartridges did the machine gun deliver up and down that line.

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