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When I started my horse forward it was because I caught sight of 'Gene Black's head over the bush tops. I found a few of his footprints, then lost the trail. Send Dave Fulsbee along, too, if you have the luck to see him. I want 'Gene Black hunted down before he does some big mischief. Now -ride!" Harry Hazelton went back over the trail at a gallop.

"Dave's suspicions, Mr. Newnham, aren't any more definite than mine. He feels certain, however, that we're going to have a hard fight before we get the road through." "Then I hope the opposition won't be able to prevent us from finishing," murmured Mr. Newnham. "Oh, the enemy won't be able to hinder us," replied Tom confidently. "You have a Fulsbee and a Reade on the job, sir. Don't worry.

The abandoned transits and other instruments and implements were found and brought back to camp. While this party was absent Tom took Mr. Newnham back to headquarters tent, where he explained, in detail, all that had been accomplished and all that was now being done. Late in the afternoon Dave Fulsbee and his little force returned.

If, at the stroke of midnight, the first train had failed to go through, then the charter of the S.B. & L. would be forfeited and subject to seizure and sale by the state. Up from Denver some of the worst politicians had come. They were quartered at the new little hotel in Lineville. Dave Fulsbee had detailed three of his men covertly to watch these same politicians.

Ere three days had passed Sheriff Grease had lost fully half of his own force, and some of his controlled voters as well, for many of his deputies flocked to serve under Dave Fulsbee. The rest of the needed detectives also came in, and Dave was soon busy posting his men to patrol the S.B. & L. and protect the workers against any more raids by armed men.

Stop it!" ordered Fulsbee, turning wrathfully. "I'm through," grinned Harry meekly. "What do you mean by shooting at a flag of truce?" demanded the deputy sheriff angrily. "I didn't," Harry argued, laying the rifle down on the ground. "I sent one in with my compliments, to see whether the fellow with the white rag would get the trembles. I guess he did, for the white rag has gone out of sight."

"Cutting telegraph wires, or attaching box relays without proper authority is a felony. The punishment is a term in state's prison." "Bosh!" sneered Black. "With all the political pull our crowd has behind it do you suppose we fear a little thing like that?" "I'll talk the crime over with Dave Fulsbee," Tom continued. "A lot of good Fulsbee will do you," jeered 'Gene.

"You'll get off that horse and do as we tell you." "Eh?" demanded the young chief engineer. He appeared astonished, though he was not. "You came down the line to meet your railroad detective, Fulsbee," Black continued sneeringly. "You'd better give it up." "You seem to think you know a good deal about my business," Tom continued. "I know all about the telegram," 'Gene retorted.

Fulsbee, before Sheriff Grease, that you are going to make him chief of detectives for the road at a salary of about six thousand a year." Mr. Newnham displayed his astonishment very openly, though he did not speak at first. "That's all right," replied President Newnham. "Mr. Fulsbee, do you accept the offer of six thousand as chief detective for the road,"

He ran over, untying the animal, which uttered a whinny of recognition. In saddle, Tom joined the marching party. "You don't seem to think us a very hard crowd to guard," remarked 'Gene Black curiously. "Why don't you call off the men you posted around the thickets" "I didn't post any," Fulsbee answered simply. "I sent these two men of mine running around the thicket.