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Fulsbee for whatever you think may be needed." "Thank you, sir," murmured Tom. Then he signaled Fulsbee to get out of the tent, and followed that new official. "Never hang around, Dave, after you've got what you want," chuckled Tom. "Hello, Mr. Sheriff!

"It was your friend, Hazelton, who first suggested the idea of sending a full train down the line, with a short pilot train ahead." "Good, great old Harry!" murmured Tom admiringly. Both Fulsbee and the president of the road tried to question 'Gene Black. That treacherous fellow, however, steadfastly refused to talk.

A hasty search revealed no other weapons. "Now, step right along over there, Black, where you'll find two of my men," nodded Dave Fulsbee. Again Black obeyed. He saw, dimly, two men some yards further away in the darkness and joined them. Click-click! Then the scoundrel cried out in the bitterness of his rage, for the two railway detectives had handcuffed him.

Laughing quietly, Tom hustled group after group of young men into one long line. "Hold up your right hands!" called out the young cub engineer. Wondering, his subordinates obeyed. Fulsbee reined up, dismounting before the line. "They're all ready for you, friend," called Tom gayly. "Listen, boys!" commanded Dave Fulsbee, as he faced the line on foot.

"If any man among you doesn't drop all his weapons, we'll make it lively for him when we get him out here." A look of malignant hate crossed his face, then 'Gene Black dropped also a knife to the ground. "Come on out, Black," directed Dave Fulsbee. "Mr. Reade, will you oblige me by running your hands over the fellow's clothing to see if he, has any more weapons." Tom promptly complied.