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"It's the white banty, and it must have come in my hole! Oh dear, I hope they won't catch it! Cousin Henny said she'd wring the neck of the first one that flied over the wall." Away went Rosy, to join in the hunt; for Miss Henny was too fat to run, and Roxy found the lively fowl too much for her.

Keene flied out on high fast balls over the inside corner; Starke bit on low drops; Martin was weak on a slow ball; MacNeff, the captain, could not touch speed under his chin, and he always struck at it. On the other hand, he killed a low ball. Prince was the only man who, in Ken's judgment, seemed to have no weakness.

Here are directions for making it: They can be made in different sizes and flied tandem, from twenty to hundreds of feet apart. The longitudinal stick should be of strong spruce, sixty inches in length and about three-eighths or one-half inch in width and thickness. It can be of any size, if these proportions are maintained. The cross-piece should be a similar stick and of equal length.

The fellow threw himself down in the grass and tried to run on his hands and knees and thus escape any bullet that might be flied at him, but Terry was on him in a moment and gave him a terrible crack with his revolver on his head. Terry searched him for a weapon and found an ugly-looking knife and a revolver on him.

They had the situation figured. But they were no wiser than old Spears. "Make 'em hit, Rube. Push 'em straight over. Never mind the corners. We don't care for a few runs. We'll hit this game out." Shultz flied to Mac, who made a beautiful throw to the plate too late to catch Pannell. Carl deliberately bunted to the right of the Rube and it cost the big pitcher strenuous effort to catch his man.

Then there was more cheering, and the freshmen of 'Umpty-eight were entirely happy. The man who followed Frank promptly flied out to first, which quenched the enthusiasm of the Yale gang somewhat and gave Harvard's admirers an opportunity to make a noise. Frank longed to get in his score, which would leave Harvard with a lead of but one. He felt that he must get home some way.

Harvard is still five in the lead, you know." "If you can hold them down " "I am going to do my best." "If you save this game the boys won't do a thing when we get back to New Haven not a thing!" The next batter flied out to shortstop, and Griswold remained on second. Now there was suspense, for Yale had two men out. A sudden hush fell on the field, broken only by the voices of the two coachers.

"O Robin! what is it now?" he cried in distress. "How did you hurt yourself so dreadfully?" "Ole bumble!" answered Robin, pointing to the leaf. "He flied in ze kitchen an' sat down in ze apple peelin's. I jus' poked him, nen he flied up and bit me. He's dead now," he added triumphantly. "Gramma killed him. See all ze cattow-pillows walkin' in ze p'cession?"

I shall work a good deal at the British Museum. It will oblige me to be away from you a good deal, but " "You mustn't trouble about that. I have my own work. If your mornings are regularly occupied, I shall be able to make flied plans of study there are so many things I want to work at." "Capital! It's high time we came to that.

I went out and got him in a twinkling." "Did he want to be caught?" "Couldn't help himself." "I should have flied away." "With that?" Bertie pointed to a broken wing. "With two of them." "You could not fly if you had a dozen wings like that. It is broken." "Oh!" "And that accounts for his being on our piazza. I don't know what lamed him, but I think it was the gale or a stone."