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Even the pushing Mr. Thompson silently deferred to him by a gesture that served at once to introduce Lord Ferriby and invite the Frenchman to up and smite him. Lord Ferriby took the seat that had been left vacant for him at the head of the table. He looked around upon faces not too friendly.

A second detachment was awaiting their orders at Hamburg. But the principal workers were these now placed under Cornish's care. During the days of their arrival, when they had to be met and housed and cared for, the visionary part of this great scheme had slowly faded before a somewhat grim reality. Joan Ferriby had found the malgamite workers less picturesque than she had anticipated.

Each malgamite worker, with his one share, is not, precisely speaking, so much a shareholder as a participator in profits. We are not in any sense a limited liability company." That Lord Ferriby had again made himself clear was sufficiently indicated by the fact that Major White nodded his head at this juncture with portentous gravity and wisdom.

"Question is," he said gravely, "where the deuce you will be in a few minutes if you don't shut up." Whereupon Mr. Thompson once more resumed his seat. He had the satisfaction, however, of perceiving that his shaft had reached its mark; for Lord Ferriby looked disconcerted and angry.

Lord Ferriby heard, however, with some uneasiness, that the Wades were in The Hague. "A worthy man a very worthy man," he said abstractedly; for he looked upon the banker with that dim suspicion which is aroused in certain minds by uncompromising honesty. The travellers proceeded to the hotel, where rooms had been prepared for them.

Lord Ferriby was, in a word, too self-satisfied to harbour any doubts respecting his own conduct. Self-satisfaction is, of course, indolence in disguise.

For Charity does not hesitate to close up an industry or interfere with a trade that supplies thousands with their daily bread. Thus the Malgamite scheme so glibly inaugurated by Lord Ferriby in his drawing-room bore fruit within a week in a quarter to which probably few concerned had ever thought of casting an eye. The price of a high-class tinted paper fell in all the markets of the world.

Vansittart, examining the rings with which her fingers were laden. "I thought there would be developments." "There are developments. Hence my presence in The Hague. Lord Ferriby et famille arrive to-morrow. Also my friend Major White." "The fighting man?" inquired Mrs. Vansittart. "Yes, the fighting man. We are to have a solemn meeting. It has been found necessary to alter our financial basis "

Motor ship Girondin, 350 tons, built and so on. 'The Landes Pit-Prop Syndicate, Ferriby, Hull. Hull, my son. There we are." "Hull! I know Hull," Merriman remarked laconically. "At least, I was there once." "We shall know it a jolly sight better than that before we're through, it seems to me," his friend replied. "Let's hope so, anyway." "What's the plan, then?

"I asked Major White," she said, "to lunch with us to-day, but he was pledged, it appeared, to meet Lord Ferriby and his daughter, and see them installed at their hotel." "Ah!" said Mr. Wade. Mrs. Vansittart, who in truth seemed to find the banker rather heavy, allowed some moments to elapse before she again spoke.