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Major White seemed somehow to be quicker than the rest, and caught Lord Ferriby in his arms but Lord Ferriby was dead. "Some man holdeth his tongue, because he hath not to answer: and some keepeth silence, knowing his time." Those who live for themselves alone must at least have the consolatory thought that when they die the world will soon console itself.

Without comment, Cornish handed him Roden's letter, and while Lord Ferriby read it, employed himself in making out a list of the names and addresses of the applicants. Cornish was, in fact, rising to the occasion. In other circumstances Anthony Cornish might with favourable influence say that of a Scottish head clerk have been made into what is called a good business man.

This prospectus naturally came to the hands of those most concerned, namely, the manufacturers of coloured papers and the brokers who supply those manufacturers with their raw material. Thus Lord Ferriby, beaming benignantly from a bower of chrysanthemums on a certain evening one winter not so many years ago, set rolling a small stone upon a steep hill.

Lord Ferriby, looking round upon faces well known to him, saw half a dozen men who spoke upon all occasions with a sublime indifference to the fact that they knew nothing of the subject in hand. With the least encouragement any one of them would have stepped on to the platform bubbling over with eloquence. Lord Ferriby was quite clever enough to perceive the danger.

And he stuck out a large square-toed foot and looked contemplatively at it. "Half of your precious charities the societies that you and Joan Ferriby, and, if you will allow me to say so, that ass Ferriby, are mixed up in are not fraudulent, but they are pretty near it. Some people who have no right to it are putting other people's money into their pockets.

"The reasons," continued Lord Ferriby, "why it is inexpedient to continue in our present position as mere trustees of a charitable fund are too numerous to go into at the present moment. Suffice it to say that there are many such reasons, and that I have satisfied myself of their soundness. Our chief desire is to ameliorate the condition of the malgamite workers.

He fumbled and pressed and pulled, and in a couple of minutes he had the satisfaction of seeing the floor under the well rise and reveal the head of a ladder leading down into the darkness below. "Here we are," he called softly to Laroche, who was searching at the other side of the room. The cellar into which the two detectives descended was lined with timber like that at Ferriby.

"We might, at all events, go up and try." "Certainly certainly. And I will follow when I have finished my work. And do not give the matter another thought either of you eh!" "He's been got at," said Major White to his companion as they walked upstairs together, as if Lord Ferriby were a jockey or some common person of that sort.

That afternoon Inspector Willis returned to the distillery, and secreting himself in the same hiding place as before, watched until the staff had left the building. Then strolling casually along the lane, he observed that the two telephone wires which approached across the fields led to the third window from the Ferriby end of the first floor row.

He decided that if Benson went up to Hull that night he would have another try. He took an afternoon train to Ferriby, and walking back towards the depot, took cover in the same place that he had previously used. There, sheltered by a hedge, he watched for the manager's appearance. The weather had, from the inspector's point of view, changed for the worse.