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"God," said I, "has shown mercy to us, in giving us this excellent boat, to save us in our imminent danger; and He seems to say to us now, 'Go back to the wreck, and rescue your fellow-sufferer. The wind blows directly towards her, and is foul for the point in which we intend to steer; hasten, then," pursued I, "obey the Divine will; do your duty, and trust in God.

If if we row like this afore we're married what'll it be afterwards? Talk about bein' independent! Git dap there!" this a savage roar at George Washington, who had stopped again. "I do believe the idiot's struck with a palsy." Hannah leaned forward and touched her fellow-sufferer on the arm. "Sshh, shh, Caleb!" she said. "Don't holler so.

To have a fellow-sufferer, and to see the pallor which, doubtless, overspread my features, was a source of comfort to this hardened man. At the same time I confess that, if William Bludger alone had been destined to suffer, I could have contemplated the decree with Christian resignation.

All that he would say was that he came from Russia. That was enough. I ordered him to be admitted. "He was a stranger, ragged and careworn, and his face was stamped with the look of sullen, unspeakable misery that men's faces only wear in one part of the world. "'You are from Siberia, I said, stretching out my hand to him. 'Welcome, fellow-sufferer! Have you news for me?

"Dora, my dear, this is Bessie's fellow-sufferer in the snowdrift; we must make much of her, for she is the daughter of my old friend, Eleanor Sartoris Mrs. Sefton now. Bessie has offered her her own room to-night, as it is too late for her to travel to London." A quick look passed between the husband and wife, and a faint color came to Mrs.

But now she had no faith, no trust. There was nothing she could lean on in the wide world, for her mother was only a fellow-sufferer in her own lot.

I know the truth of it nevertheless, and that's why married men advise others to marry. Were all the world tied up, the pleasantly tied ones would be equivalent to those at present free. But what if your fellow-sufferer is not only in another such a hole, but in the same one? 'No, Neigh never! Don't trifle with a friend who 'That is, refused like yourself, as well as in love.

To be fair toward them, the king permitted them to choose a third fellow-sufferer, some pious man to share their lot. Seeing no escape, Ahab and Zedekiah asked for Joshua, later the high priest, as their companion in the furnace, in the hope that his distinguished merits would suffice to save all three of them. They were mistaken.

'Not I. My heart is in the happy position of a country which has no history or debt. 'I suppose I should rejoice to hear it, said Ladywell. 'But the consciousness of a fellow-sufferer being in just such another hole is such a relief always, and softens the sense of one's folly so very much. 'There's less Christianity in that sentiment than in your confessing to it, old fellow.

The lovely Hemjunah has promised to relate her wonderful adventures; and Horam, the faithful friend of my bosom, and our former fellow-sufferer, is come to participate with me in the charming relation." "Prince," said Hemjunah, "I shall not conceal what you are so desirous of knowing." The Sultan then waved his hand, and the slaves withdrew.