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The two men crossed the room and stooped over the paper, while my father held the crystal. The manner and the bearing of the men changed. They grew on the instant tense and fired with interest. "I see it!" said the old doctor, with a queer foreign expletive. "And I," cried Lewis, "see something more than Pendleton's vision. I see the penitentiary in the distance."

But the old fiddle was unaccustomed to so vigorous a virtuoso, and its bridge fell with a bang. The Parson blurted an expletive, inflected like the profane. Then he straightened the bridge, gave the fiddle a tremendous saw, and resumed his bellow. But with the accident, his first tune had gone glimmering, and he dropped to another with the agility of an acrobat.

'Drawn! cried Morris. 'By your uncle himself, sir, continued the other. 'Not only that, but we discounted a bill for him for let me see how much was it for, Mr Bell? 'Eight hundred, Mr Judkin, replied the teller. 'Bent Pitman! cried Morris, staggering back. 'I beg your pardon, said Mr Judkin. 'It's it's only an expletive, said Morris.

"Old chap, what's up?" "My God!" It was not an expletive, but a prayer, a supplication. Mr. Newman dashed the hands from his face and sprang up. Carrick caught him by the arm. "I say," he cried. "It's rot. It's a fake it must be! Whatever happened it's not a sure thing. Pull yourself together, Newman. I I may be wrong; perhaps it's all an induced you know, an illusion. I say, look here " "No!"

"Ai-yi!" she said; but this time her favorite expletive was hardly more than a sigh. "I mind Jim when he first kem to us," she said, more to herself than to Eudora, who sat at her feet. The impending tragedy in the family had robbed her of all the joy in her suitors. They sat on a bench on the opposite side of the house, divided by the very nature of their interests yet companions in misery.

After you and your lawyers and land office tools have stolen thousands of acres from the government, you talk as if you were an angel out of heaven about the men that brand your mavericks. Hell!" The scorn of the expletive drew from the very depths of furious contempt. "I'd rather stand by a thief that calls himself a thief, than a thief that steals under a lawyer.

The Byrds swung southward in silence, but suddenly Stefan heaved a great breath. "Nom d'un nom d'un nom d'un vieux bonhomme!" he exploded, voicing in that cumulative expletive his extreme satisfaction with the morning. Constance Elliot had not boasted her stage-management in vain. On the first Saturday in January all proceeded according to schedule.

Gale, who had been hardly able to refrain from breaking in, answered fast. "What have I got to say?" he roared. "I say I know what I'm talking about. I say she's lying, Duke." Nan's face turned white with anger. Before she could speak her uncle took up the words. "Hold on," he shouted. "Don't tell me she lies." He launched another hot expletive. "I know she doesn't lie!"

God!" Not that he was calling upon God; it was a mere expletive, but it came from his soul. At dinner he asked the hunters for a remedy for headache, and by evening, strong man that he was, he was half-blind and reeling about the cabin. "I've never been sick in my life, Hump," he said, as I guided him to his room.

Then he added: "I gave my brother David a hundred dollars for his share in the folderol about the premises, and took possession of the house and lands." "And after that," said my father, "what happened?" The hunchback uttered a queerly inflected expletive, like a bitter laugh. "After that," he answered, "we saw the real man in my brother David, as my father, old and dying, had so clearly seen it.