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Updated: August 21, 2024

The one thing certain was, that not the faintest trace, in feature or expression, of Eunice's mother was to be seen in Eunice herself. Of the two girls, Helena judging by something in the color of her hair, and by something in the shade of her complexion might possibly have suggested, in those particulars only, a purely accidental resemblance to my terrible prisoner of past times.

I, who with Lizzie was tugging away at a big board with which we thought to make a "see-saw," was honored with a graceful wave of monsieur's hands, and the words, "Au revoir, ma chère Marie." That day Phoebe, Aunt Eunice's hired girl, came to our house. Immediately Juliet and Anna assailed her a multitude of questions.

It had all to be talked over again and in the midst of it supper was ready, and there was Miss Eunice's surprise. Cynthia could hardly eat, the long journey and the dangers seemed such a strange thing now. Had she really come from India, or was it all a dream? Yes, old Salem was almost fading out of the minds of even middle-aged people.

Mr. said: "She hasn't got her sister's pretty gray eyes." Mrs. said; "She has got pretty brown eyes, which are just as good." Mr. said: "You can't compare her complexion with Helena's." Mrs. said: "I like Eunice's pale complexion. So delicate." Young Miss struck in: "I admire Helena's hair light brown." Young Master took his turn: "I prefer Eunice's hair dark brown."

Aunt Abby merely sat nodding her head, in corroboration of Eunice's speeches. "Yes yes that's so!" she murmured, unheeding whether she were heard or not. The Examiner, however, paid little attention to the decrees of the angry woman. He looked at Eunice, curiously, even admiringly, and then went across the room to the telephone. Eunice flew after him and snatched the instrument from his hand.

But what kind of love is that which abdicates? Is not the meaning this, that there is another force stronger than her love? No, my dear, Lygia is not Eunice." "All is one torment merely," answered Vinicius. "I saw thee kissing Eunice's shoulders, and I thought then that if Lygia would lay hers bare to me I should not care if the ground opened under us next moment.

Now these same puffs, and embroidery, and ruffles, and tucks had excited Eunice's liveliest admiration, and her fingers fairly itched to see how they would look hanging on the clothes bars after passing through her hands. That Ethelyn could touch them she never once dreamed. Her instincts were truer than Mrs.

Ethelyn had not yet defined Eunice's position in the family whether it was that of cousin, or niece, or companion and now that Richard had suggested her, she said to him: "Who is this Eunice that seems so familiar?" Richard hesitated a little and then replied: "She is the girl who works for mother when we need help."

The one could boast no remove from the commonplace, the other was both artistic and uncommon, a garment which might have come direct from the hands of a French modiste. Eunice's face fell as she looked, and she breathed a sigh of depression. "Oh, Peggy, how horrid mine looks beside yours! What a mean, skimpy little rag! I am ashamed to appear in it. You will look beautiful, perfectly beautiful!

But, then, Alfy had never before attended a Hallowe'en Corkis, and probably never would again. Still observant, Katharine saw Aunt Eunice's dear face grow more and more thoughtful, yet with a thoughtfulness in no measure sad. Finally, she left Nathan to Mrs. Clackett's care and hastily crossed the room to Madam's side.

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