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An' before noon it was settled't the poorhouse in Alice County, nearest us, should take in the inmates temporary. We was eatin' dinner when Timothy an' Silas come in to tell Elspie. I wished Eppleby had come to tell her. Eppleby does everything like he was company, an' not like he owned it. "Eb was hevin' dinner with us too.

I donno's it'd ever enter Silas Sykes's head't there was anything wrong with anything, providin' somebody wasn't snappin' him up for it. I guess it's like that in politics. "We took the milk around an', bake' sweet potatoes forgot, Timothy stood up by the stove, between Eppleby an' Silas, an' watched us an' the Jersey must 'a' picked her way home alone.

He'd just got there, some breathless, an' with him, we see, was Eppleby. "'Amanda, says Timothy, 'what in the Dominion o' Canady air you doin'? "'I shouldn't think you would know, says Mis' Toplady, short. 'You don't do enough of it. "She hed him there. Timothy always will go down to the Dick Dasher an' shirk the chores. "'Amanda, says Timothy, 'you've disobeyed me flat-footed.

I didn't know how Eppleby Holcomb'd be it might turn out to be one o' the things he'd up an' question, civilized, but I wa'n't sure. Anyhow, the cream cookies an' the two loaves wasn't so vital as them five loaves o' bread. "When I got back to the church, here it was all lit up. Abel had lit the chandelier on a secular scene!

'Not much, s'e, 'but I guess it's got such a head-start the whol' thing'll go like a shell. An' when we got to the top o' the bank on the other side o' the track, we see it was that way the poorhouse'd got such a head-start burnin' that nothin' could save it, though Timothy Toplady, that was town marshal an' chairman o' the county board, an' Silas Sykes an' Eppleby Holcomb, that was managers o' the poorhouse, an' some more, went puffin' past us, yellin', 'Put it out run fer water why don't you do suthin'? an' like that, most beside theirselves.

But, s'I, without waitin' for 'em to bu'st out, 'there's more important business than that afoot for the marshal; an' then I told 'em about Sum Merriman's flowers. 'An', s'I, 'you'd better come an' see about that now an' let Eppleby an' the others take down the inmates, an' you go after 'em on the 8.05. It ain't often, s'I, crafty, 'that we get a thief in Friendship.

The men stayed "in the other part of the house," Doctor June and Eppleby Holcomb sending by me some cordial word to Delia. I think that they cannot do these things anywhere else with such beautiful delicacy. Moreover, Calliope had been helping and we, and Delia, had been far too busy to taste supper. We would have said that the true life of the evening was done instead of just beginning.

I guess they didn't know everybody don't kneel down all over the world when they hear the Twenty-third Psalm. "Abel seen 'em in the little lookin'-glass over the keyboard. An' when he'd got done he set there perfectly still with his head down. An' Mis' Sykes an' Mis' Holcomb an' Eppleby an' I bowed our heads too, out there in the entry. An' so, after a minute, did Timothy.

I couldn't help peekin' to see. "An' then, when the children was all a-rustlin' up, Mis' Toplady she jus' hands her two pails o' milk over to Timothy. "'You take 'em in, she says to him, her eyes swimmin'. 'I've come off without my handkerchief. "Timothy looks round him, kind o' helpless, but Eppleby stood there an' pats him on the arm. "'Go in go in, brother, Eppleby says gentle.

But Timothy wouldn't listen to nothin'. "'Amanda, s'e in a married voice, 'what I say is this, I forbid you to carry a drop o' Jersey milk or any other kind o' milk up to that church. "With that he was out the front door an' liniment forgot. "Mis' Sykes spatted her hands. "'He'll find Silas Sykes an' Eppleby, she says to Mis' Holcomb. 'Quick. Le's us get our hands on my bread an' your cookies.