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And there was the said case on the back of a porter already coming along the gangway. It seemed to me that the porter was rather tottery, owing perhaps to a lengthy absorption of vodka. "Wait a bit!" shouted Ephrinell. Then in good Russian, so as to be better understood, he shouted: "Look out! Look out!" It is good advice, but it is too late. The porter has just made a false step.

"I will not be calm; and if there is a delay, I will hold the company responsible!" That is understood; a hundred thousand florins damages to Monsieur le Baron Tour de Monde. Let us pass to the other passengers. Ephrinell looked at the matter, of course, from a very practical point of view.

There burns the eternal fire, kept up for centuries by the Parsee priests from India, who never touch animal food. This reminds me that I have not yet breakfasted, and as eleven o'clock strikes, I make my way to the restaurant at the railway, where I have no intention of conforming myself to the alimentary code of the Parsees of Atesh Gah. As I am entering, Ephrinell rushes out.

And then our actor a little fresh, I admit had an idea. And such an idea! Why not resume the marriage ceremony interrupted by the attack on the train? "What marriage?" asked Ephrinell. "Yours, sir, yours," replied Caterna. "Have you forgotten it? That is rather too good!"

Suppose one of them proves interesting, I may pump him and peg away at him, and just at the critical moment he will get out. No! All my attention I must devote to those who are going through with me. I have already secured Ephrinell, and perhaps that charming Englishwoman, who seems to me to be going to Pekin. I shall meet with other traveling companions at Uzun Ada.

"Ask that of a man who is doing a tour of the globe, and who would never get through a signature of a name of that length!" "Then I can only think of Pan-Chao, unless we try Popof " "Either would do it with pleasure. But there is no hurry, Mr. Ephrinell, and when you get to Pekin you will have no difficulty in finding a fourth witness." "What! to Pekin?

"And," added the major, "you were married on the way unless I am mistaken!" "Wait a bit!" replied the Yankee in a peculiar tone. "Excuse me; we are in a hurry." "We will not keep you, Mr. Ephrinell," I replied, "and to Mrs. Ephrinell and yourself allow us to say au revoir!" "Au revoir!" replied the Americanized lady, rather more dryly at her arrival than at her departure.

What astonishes me is that the proprietor of this little book does not seem to read it from right to left. Is it not written in Chinese characters? We must see into this! On two adjoining seats are Ephrinell and Miss Horatia Bluett. Their talk is of nothing but figures.

Holmes-Holme, of London, has the honor to invite you to her wedding with Mr. Fulk Ephrinell, of the firm of Messrs. Strong, Bulbul & Co., of New York City, etc., etc." If I do not make half a dozen pars out of all this I am no newspaper man! Meanwhile I learn from Popof the precise spot where the ceremony will take place. Popof points it out on the map.

"Undoubtedly we have lost all those fine things," replies my Yankee. "But, thanks to these iron ribbons which will eventually encircle our globe like a hogshead of cider or a bale of cotton, we can go in thirteen days from Tiflis to Pekin. That is why, if you expect any incidents, to enliven you " "Certainly, Monsieur Ephrinell." "Illusions, Mr. Bombarnac! Nothing will happen either to you or me.