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Two miles from home she stopped and eyed him fixedly. "If I don't get these boots off, Alf, I shall be a 'elpless cripple for the rest of my days," she murmured. "My ankle's gone over three times." "But you can't take 'em off here," said Mr. Jobson, hastily. "Think 'ow it would look." "I must 'ave a cab or something," said his wife, hysterically. "If I don't get 'em off soon I shall scream."

"But he was drownded in the Evening Star" ses Joe Morgan. Bill Flurry didn't answer 'im. He poured out pretty near a tumbler of whisky and offered it to Mrs. Pearce, but she pushed it away, and, arter looking round in a 'elpless sort of way and shaking his 'ead once or twice, he finished it up 'imself. "It couldn't 'ave been 'im," ses George Hatchard, speaking through 'is handkerchief.

"You owe it to me," said his uncle, with a satisfied air. "I generally see my way clear to what I want, and generally get it, too. I've played Mrs. Banks and Mrs. Church agin one another without their knowing it. Both 'elpless in my hands, they was." "But what's the matter with Mrs. Church?" said his depressed nephew. "Oh, that's the worst of it," said Uncle Barber, shaking his head.

It pierced through me, and you might have eard it that still morning over the whole field. He sprung up and then fell over, and kicked and struggled furious for a minute or two before he died, and every time he lashed out, you could a eard a elpless wounded wretch a groanin' bitterly, as he battered away at him.

"Howsomiver, we'se be all 'elpless an' 'omeless soon, for the Lord hisself don't stop a man growin' old, an' under the new ways o' the world, it's a reg'lar crime to run past forty. I'm sixty, an' I gits my livin' my own way, axin' nobody for the kind permission. That's my fortin!" And he pointed to the basket of weedy stuff which he had just set down. Helmsley looked at it with some curiosity.

Gone sour, regularly sour, it is. And I don't hold with you there, Partington, never shall and never do. I'm one as can always find a cosy corner in me manly bosom for the lidies blame me if I can't, the pore 'elpless little lovey-doveys. After all's said and done Gawd made 'em just as much as 'e made you, Partington, that 'e did."

Ginger Dick and Peter both said that they liked it better than anything else, and, arter she 'ad got out the cups and saucers and a tin o' cocoa, Ginger held the kettle and poured the water in the cups while she stirred them, and old Sam sat looking on 'elpless. "It does seem funny to see you drinking cocoa, captin," ses Ginger, as old Sam took his cup.

So don't ye," and here he turned his stolid gaze on Helmsley, "don't ye, for all that ye're old, an' poor, an' 'elpless, go cadgin' round this 'ere reverend gemmen's property, cos 'e's got a real pityin' Christian 'art o's own, an' ye'd be sent to bed wi' the turnkey." Here he paused with a comprehensive smile round at the company, then taking up his hat, he put it on.

"But he was drownded in the Evening Star," ses Joe Morgan. Bill Flurry didn't answer 'im. He poured out pretty near a tumbler of whisky and offered it to Mrs. Pearce, but she pushed it away, and, arter looking round in a 'elpless sort of way and shaking his 'ead once or twice, he finished it up 'imself. "It couldn't 'ave been 'im," ses George Hatchard, speaking through 'is handkerchief.

Williams volubly could not conceal her concern at Peter's condition "and 'im such a nice-spoken young genelman as I was saying only yesterday tea-time, there's nothin' I said, as I wouldn't be willin' to do for that there poor Mr. Westcott and that there poor Mr. Brant 'oo are as like two 'elpless children in their fightin' the world as ever I see and 'ow ever can I help 'em I said "