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They descended the flagged street over which Elim had come, turned into another called he saw Cary, and finally halted before a long somber facade. Here, too, the fire had raged; the charred timbers of the fallen roof projected desolately into air.

So we shall have the one abode, though its place in the desert may vary and we shall not need to care whether the encampment be beneath the palm-trees and beside the wells of Elim, or amidst the drought of Marah, so long as the same covering protects us, and the same pillar of fire burns above us.

Kaperton was unsuccessful in hiding his surprise at the other's unexpected appearance and direct question. "Why why, nothing when I left;" then more cordially: "Come in, find a chair. Bottle on the table oh, I didn't think." He offered an implied apology to Elim's scruples. But Elim advanced to the table, where, selecting a decanter at random, he poured out a considerable drink of pale spirits.

In the body of the carriage a diminutive bonneted head was barely visible above an enormous circumference of hoops. Elim saw bobbing gray curls, peering anxious eyes, and a fluttering hand in a black silk-thread mit. "Gossard," a feminine voice cried shrilly to the driver, at the sight of Elim on the roadside, "here's a Yankee army; lick up those horses!"

His bony face, the deep pits of his temples, were the dry spongy black of charcoal, and behind steel-rimmed glasses his eyes rolled like yellow agates. He glanced about, furtive and startled, when Elim Meikeljohn entered, but he was immediately reassured by Elim's disordered uniform. He made a solemn obeisance. "Colonel," he said, "will you make one of a little informal repast?

We have the chart, and as we look upon it we see marked 'waterless country, 'pathless rocks, 'desert and sand, 'wells and palm-trees. Well, when we come to the first of these, and find ourselves, as the map says, in the waterless country; and when, as we go on step by step, and mile after mile, we find it is all down there, we say to ourselves, 'The remainder will be accurate, too, and if we are in 'Marah' to-day, where 'the water is bitter, and nothing but the wood of the tree that grows there can ever sweeten it, we shall be at 'Elim' to-morrow, where there are 'the twelve wells and the seventy palm trees. The chart is right, and the chart says that the end of it all is 'the land that flows with milk and honey. He has told us this; if there had been anything worse than this, He would have told us that.

It was at Elim, where, at the creation of the world, God had made the twelve wells of water, and the seventy palm trees, to correspond to the twelve tribes and the seventy elders of Israel, that Israel first took up the study of the law, for there they studied the laws given them at Marah.

Rosemary Roselle lightly left the boat, and Elim followed. "If we explored," he proposed, "perhaps we could get you a cup of coffee." She elected, however, to stay by the river, and Elim went inward alone. Beyond the willows was an empty marshland. The old man had disappeared, with no trace of his objective kin.

He studied her for a moment and then answered: "Yes, Miss Rosemary." She swayed. Indy, at her side, enveloped her in a sustaining arm. "Indy," the girl said, her face on the woman's breast, "he, too!" "I'm sending a few bales of leaf down the river," Haxall continued to Elim; "the sloop'll pass Bramant's Wharf; but the crew will be just anybody. Miss Rosemary couldn't go with only her nigger "

The more that is done for her the less well does she work.... Indy is very unfortunate: going out with a present of money she lost every penny. Of course she was incapable of work until the sum was replaced." Elim paused with an impatient snort at this exhibition of shiftlessness. If the negroes were not soon freed they would be ruined beyond redemption.