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"He knew your father," ses Bob Pretty, "and he didn't want to take no risks." They 'ad words then, and arter that every time Bob Pretty met 'im he asked arter his great-uncle's 'ealth, and used to pretend to think 'e was living with 'im. "You ought to get the old gentleman out a bit more, Henery," he would say; "it can't be good for 'im to be shut up in the 'ouse so much especially your 'ouse."

Bill 'ung his 'ead and looked a bit silly. "I'd rather not, mate," he ses, at last. "I've been teetotal for eleven months now." "Think of your 'ealth, Bill," ses Peter Russet; "your 'ealth is more important than the pledge. Wot made you take it?" Bill coughed. "I 'ad reasons," he ses, slowly. "A mate o' mine wished me to." "He ought to ha' known better," ses Sam. "He 'ad 'is reasons," ses Bill.

Bill 'ung his 'ead and looked a bit silly. "I'd rather not, mate," he ses, at last. "I've been teetotal for eleven months now." "Think of your 'ealth, Bill," ses Peter Russet; "your 'ealth is more important than the pledge. Wot made you take it?" Bill coughed. "I 'ad reasons," he ses, slowly. "A mate o' mine wished me to." "He ought to ha' known better," ses Sam. "He 'ad 'is reasons," ses Bill.

"We didn't know when he came in as it was a case for the infirmary; but seeing he was wanted for a big thing, and poorly in his 'ealth, I giv' him one of the superior cells, with a mattress and piller complete."

'Walked to Enfleld an' back. I was told of a job out there; but it's no good; they're full up. They say exercise is good for the 'ealth. I shall be a 'ealthy man before long, it seems to me. What do you think? 'Have you been to see Corder again? asked Sidney, after reflecting anxiously. 'No, I haven't! was the angry reply; 'an' what's more, I ain't goin' to!

"That's right," said her visitor, cordially; "what a blessing 'ealth is. What should we do without it, I wonder?" She leaned back in her chair and shook her head at the prospect. There was an awkward lull, and in the offended gaze of Miss Nugent Mr. Hardy saw only too plainly that he was held responsible for the appearance of the unwelcome visitor.

When they reached him, his leg was gone and one arm badly smashed. He was sitting up smoking a cigarette, and all he said was, "Well, I fancy that's the end of my football days." One very undeveloped man, who had somehow leaked into Kitchener's Army, told me, "Well, you see, Major, I was a bit too weak for a labouring man, so I joined the army. I thought it might do my 'ealth good!"

Seized with a sudden fit of generosity, she extended the glass to him. "You're noan teetotal, I'll be bound," she observed. "Theer! Sup it up." "Your 'ealth!" said Ted, nodding towards her, much elated.

His eyes gloated, but he said with an affected surprise: "No, I couldn't think of it, yer leddyship." "Ah, but you will take it!" she said. "I I have a r-relative" she hesitated at the word "in the navy." "'Ave you now, yer leddyship?" he said. "Well, then, I'm proud to 'ave the shilling to drink 'is 'ealth, yer leddyship." He touched his hat, and was about to turn away.

Bolton, after admonishing Betsy-Jane, said, "Lor sir how very odd that we should meet you year! I ope you ave your ealth well, sir. Ain't it odd, Fanny, that we should meet Mr. Pendennis?" What do you mean by sniggering, Mesdames? When young Croesus has been staying at a country-house, have you never, by any singular coincidence, been walking with your Fanny in the shrubberies?