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The Marquis de Chastellux, author of De la Felicite Publique, describes him as a small, eager-faced man, full of zeal and activity, constantly engaged in works of benevolence, which were by no means confined to the blacks. Like Woolman and Lay, he advocated abstinence from intoxicating spirits.

"I was mad and scared, too then you fellows hurt me. So I hit right out.... But I'll take my medicine." "So oh!" ejaculated Dale. "Well, this beats the deuce! That's why you're here?" The door opened wide to admit half a dozen eager-faced youths. "Fellows, here's a surprise," said Dale.

A child, an eager-faced youngster, ran from an arched gateway and pounced on the little object, rose, and held up a piece of stone, with intense annoyance and disgust plainly written on his face, threw it from him with an exclamation of disappointment. The two walked on chuckling. "Little bounder!" said one. "Thought he'd got a souvenir; rather a sell for him what?"

A shape came forward to the edge of the gateway so that the light of the setting sun fell upon it, making it visible. I looked and knew that it was the phantom of my lost wife wrapped in her last garments. There she stood, sad and eager-faced, with quick-moving lips, from which no echo reached my ears. There she stood, beating the air with her hands as though to bar that path against me. . . .

She heard him come lightly up behind her, but she did not turn her head though she had no tears to conceal. She was possessed by an insane desire to spring up and flee. It took all her resolution to remain where she was. And so Nick drew near unwelcomed a lithe, alert figure in European attire, bare-headed, eager-faced.

It tasted flat, and she could well imagine the long-boiling kettle from which the water with which it had been made was poured. "I'm sure that tea's beastly!" A masculine voice sounded abruptly from the doorway, and, looking up, Sara beheld a tall, eager-faced man, wearing a loose shabby coat and carrying in one hand a professional-looking doctor's bag.

In a few moments the gaily-lit terrace was practically deserted, and an eager-faced crowd pressed up against the green-clothed tables, each individual eager to secure a good place. For a little while Ann contented herself with watching. "Faites vos jeux, messieurs. Messieurs, faites vos jeux."

First came the Brownes, eager-faced, bright-eyed, alert young people, far better looking than their new enemies could conscientiously admit under the circumstances; then the lawyer from the States; then a pert young lady in a pink shirt waist and a sailor hat; then two giggling, utterly un-English maids and all of them lolling in luxurious ease. The red jacket was conspicuously absent.

With almost startling quickness the answer came, in the form of an answering cry, close at hand. Round the corner of the next clump of bushes dashed the figure of Ralph Percival, bareheaded, eager-faced, and, thank Heaven! unhesitating in action.

Maruffi was there, as usual, but he had finished his meal and was playing cards with some of his countrymen, swarthy, eager-faced, voluble fellows whose chatter filled the place. They greeted Norvin politely as he seated himself near by, then went on with their amusement as he ordered and ate his dinner.