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Half an hour later the choking cloud dusts rose like smoke from the different trails that led north or south or west to the heart of the Hills. "The picnic is over," he suggested gently at their noon camping place. "Yes, thank Heaven!" "You remember your promise?" "What promise?" "That you would explain your 'mystery." "I've changed my mind." A leaf floated slowly down the wind. A raven croaked.

They are all alike, these ardent sweepers: in their excessive zeal, they fear lest they should block up the speck of dust which they might drop in front of the new house. The glass tubes, which I myself have rinsed under the tap, are not exempt from a scrupulous cleaning. The Osmia dusts them, brushes them thoroughly with her tarsi and then sweeps them out backwards. What does she pick up?

At any rate, proud of her vocation and finding life sweet, the Chalcid curls her antennæ into a crook and waves them to and fro: she rubs her tarsi together, a sign of satisfaction; she dusts her belly. I can hardly see her with the naked eye; and yet she is an agent of the universal extermination, a wheel in the implacable machine which crushes life as in a wine-press.

Grumbit?" "Oh, she's our housekeeper the lady who dusts the studio, you know, and gives the models tea and good advice. She's very particular as to the models: she won't let us paint from any who don't come up to her standard of propriety. And the worst of it is that the properest girls are always the ugliest. I don't know "

She washes dishes Mondays and Tuesdays under protest, while the nurse and parlor maid are called off from their natural avocations, and dusts the drawing-room with obedient resentment.

"We were imagining, Miss Bolton," White said, walking at a respectful distance from her, "we were imagining St. James's a Catholic church, and trying to arrange things as they ought to be." "What was your first reform?" asked Miss Bolton. "I fear," answered White, "it would fare hard with your protégée, the old lady who dusts out the pews."

He wanders out aimlessly. While Barney McFadden, the barkeeper, surveys Colonel Joseph swallowing his extra cocktail, he admires himself in the mirror. He dusts off his diamond pin with a silk handkerchief. "Jaggers! Oh, yes; know him well. In back room playing pedro. Want him?" Woods bows. The laconic Ganymede drags Jaggers away from his ten-cent game.

Gran'ma Mullins is always nothin' but glad to have a chance to shake her head an' wipe her eyes over any one's love-makin'. She come in to wait a little 'cause Lucy wanted to dust an' she says she ain't got no strength to stay in the house while Lucy dusts; she says it lays Hiram out on the sofa every time regular an' sometimes it gives him the toothache.

Let all the citizens with their wives and children behold the illustrious slayer of Madhu with as much respect and devotion as they show when casting their eyes on the morning sun. Let the canopy all round, at my command, be crowded with pendants and banners, and let the road, by which Kesava will come, be well-watered and its dusts removed.

Then she airs out dining and living rooms and hall, brushes up any litter, wipes off bare floors, dusts, closes windows, opens furnace drafts or looks after stoves, and, leaving tidiness in her wake, sets the table and completes the preparations for breakfast. The amount of work she can accomplish before it is served depends upon herself and upon how elaborate the meal may be.