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Hollis had made some inquiries on his own account, with the result that when he reached the Kicker office this morning he felt that he had acquired a good and sufficient knowledge of the situation. Looking over the old copy of the Kicker he studied some of the advertisements. Evidently some Dry Bottom merchants had been brave enough to antagonize Dunlavey by advertising in the Kicker.

The crowd fell back at the command and watched. Dunlavey stepped across the room, standing beside Watkins, his rapid glance noting the presence of the three members of the opposition. He ignored Hollis and Norton, speaking to Allen. "So you're sure enough going to run?" he said. "Sure," returned Allen.

"Come in," invited Judge Graney, his smile growing, his eyes glinting oddly. "I think, since you are responsible for the startling innovation which we have been discussing, that you are entitled to a word." He gravely waved Hollis to a chair and stood silent while the latter sank into it. Then he smiled, glancing furtively at Dunlavey and addressing Hollis.

Days before Norton had told Hollis that these men who were now herding at the Rabbit-Ear were the small ranchers who had refused to aid the elder Hollis in his fight against Dunlavey some years before. Therefore Hollis did not answer at once. When he did his voice was dry and cold. He too had heard of Dunlavey's ultimatum concerning the water.

An' I done laffed at Dunlavey an' Yuma after you'd clawed them." His face sobered, his eyes suddenly filling with an expression of defiant resignation. "I reckon when you're done triflin' with me you c'n start to pumpin' your lead," he said. "There ain't no use of prolongin' the agony."

Hollis was convinced that Dunlavey had been inspired by both motives. But though Dunlavey had secured his revenge for the blow that Hollis had struck him in Dry Bottom, Hollis did not purpose to allow him to prevent the appearance of the Kicker.

Hollis found that on the whole he was a well informed young man quiet, modest, and apparently well able to give a good account of himself in spite of his affliction. He was bitter against Dunlavey and thanked Hollis warmly for his defense of his sister. At sundown Hollis departed, telling the Hazeltons that since he was their neighbor he would not neglect to see them occasionally.

What the Community owes the Newspaper and what the Newspaper owes the Community. Rev. I. R. Glass. Fools. Hon. W. T. Cessna. Don't Pay too dearly for the Whistle. Prof. Wellington Putman. Rip van Winkle. Rev. R. S. Hanshaw. The Mind's Picture Gallery. Then they acted Othello The "Normal Students," whoever they may be. Othello, E. F. Dunlavey. Iago Douglas Giffard. Desdemona Carrie Whitehill.

Every hollow overflowed with it; it seemed there could never be another drought. Before dawn on the following day all the small ranchers had departed. Several of them, on their way to their home ranches, stopped off at the Circle Bar to shake hands with Hollis and assure him of their appreciation. Lemuel Train did not forget to curse Dunlavey.

Norton had also sought Hollis's side and the three stood near the rear door, watching the crowd around Dunlavey. Hollis tried to catch Ten Spot's gaze but failed the latter seemed studiously to avoid him. A wave of dull anger surged through Hollis's veins.