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Van der Donk called with his daughter to compliment the boys on their services of the night before, and to thank them personally for what they had done. The doctor asked him if he had missed a valuable watch, and showed him the one which Jack had found. "It does not belong to any of us," said the gentleman.

The mule continued his mad career down the hill, his reins trailing in the dust. In the distance was a little gipsy's donkey cart full of pots and pans. William found his voice suddenly and began to warn the mule. "Look out, you ole softie!" he yelled. "Look out for the donk, you ole ass." But the mule refused to be warned.

Van der Donk replied, and said all that he had said before, prating on till the boys began to yawn and to shift their feet from one side to the other, for they had been standing all this time, and were very tired. When the gentleman had gone, the boys were dismissed, and some of them went to their tents, others going out on the river.

I came near roaring out laughing, but I managed to keep my face straight, and said: "Oui." "Well, then, I mean Bean donk lah peetit femmy nest pah lah femmy due hommy. At this, there was no holding in any longer. I burst out laughing, so that I came near falling off the railing; Rectus laughed because I did; the gentleman with the wife and the young lady laughed madly, and Mr.

Salee itself is composed chiefly of mean houses, with very narrow dirty steep streets; but some of the dwellings in the higher part of the town are of greater pretensions as to size and architectural beauty. Our consignee in this place was an Armenian merchant, who presented a great contrast in outward appearance to Mynheer Von Donk.

General Hutton's main force was encamped in a "donk" at the very top of the randt, almost equidistant from Tigerspoort, Zwavelpoort and Bapsfontein. Encircling his laager was another chain of "randten" entirely occupied and fortified, and we soon realised what a large and entrenched stretch of ground it was.

"The 'donk' won't go without peppermints! He simply loves them!" explained Beata tragically. "We always take a big packet of them with us to give him. He expects them! He's turning his head round to look for them!" "Bless his heart, he shall have them then!" cooed Merle, patting the dusty coat of their steed. "His auntie will go and get some for him herself if he'll wait like a good boy.

"That's all right, J.W., it's as well you did, for now I think we will get at the bottom of this affair," said Percival in decided tones. At the same time that Jack Sheldon, Dick Percival and young Smith were on the river together, Billy Manners, Arthur Warren and Harry Dickson were going up the road leading to the Van der Donk house, although they had no idea of going there.

Jack now recognized the voice as that of the nurse who had taken the Van der Donk child from him the night before, but he was still at a loss to know what she was talking about. "I gave it to you to keep safe for me until I could dispose of it," the man answered. "The detectives were after me.

"Why, Father, you speak as if the boys were from a primary school, and had not learned the first rules of manners," laughed Margaret gaily. What do you expect, Father dear? That the boys shall be young ruffians?" "Well, perhaps not that, my dear," replied Van der Donk loftily, "but the city boys who come out here "