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And here," continues the envoy, "he broke into a weeping, whereunto, besides the dolefulness of the matter, I think, he was moche provoked by seeing the whole company to do the lyke before; there beyng in myne opinion not one man in the whole assemblie, stranger or another, that dewring the time of a good piece of his oration poured not out as abundantly teares, some more, some lesse.

Told Peter I'd show up." "Youth," said Mr. Piper. "Youth." There was a certain accent of dolefulness in the way he said it. "And now I shall call a taxi," he said briskly. "Can't I take you down ?" Oliver began, but "No, no. I insist," said Mr.

The relation to God is perverted, and the man that has transgressed stands before Him as guilty, with all the dolefulness that that solemn word means; and that is another of the heads. The third is this the consequences that follow in the nature of penalty.

With this we had had to make shift, and though the O'Kelly a veritable musical genius had succeeded in evolving from it an accompaniment to "Sally in Our Alley" less misleading and confusing than might otherwise have been the case, the result had not been to lighten our labours. My rendering of the famous ballad had, in consequence, acquired a dolefulness not intended by the composer.

It was a very ordinary tale, and its dolefulness was relieved by the old man's delight at finding people who could talk to him like Christians. One of his woes was that he had not been long enough married to his wife to teach her much French. "I wish," interpolated Sylvia to me, "that we had kept on in English. It would have been much more satisfactory.

Agatha had been constantly on the alert, liable to be called on every half-hour, to soothe fretful distress over impossible impatience at delay, anger at want of comforts, and dolefulness over the chances of improvements, and abuse, whether just or not, of the only accessible doctor.

"You cry, papa!" cried little Anna. "Do you ever cry?" "Have you never found me behind the deals, or among the sacks in the granary, with my finger in my eye?" "No, papa. Do show us how you look when you cry." Mr Rowland's face, all dolefulness, emerged from behind the newspaper, and the children shouted.

"There's everything to eat in that awful box enough for an army but I don't feel as if I could ever eat again," in a tone of martyr-like dolefulness. "Them things in there is for the picnic, miss," said Perkins. "It's lucky you and Miss Anne didn't eat them," and he cast on the culprit a look of utter condemnation. At the word "picnic," Anne's soul sank within her.

So I stood confused, casting about for a reply with truth in it, when Comyn broke in upon us. "I'll warrant you did not look for her here, Richard. Faith, but you are a lucky dog," said my Lord, shaking his head in mock dolefulness; "for there is no man in London, in the world, for whom she would descend a flight of steps, save you.

A life-size dummy stood in one corner of the room, the expression on its face being almost human in its dolefulness. In other parts of the room were legs, arms, feet and hands in various stages of completion. Sam explained that his love for the work which he did in the winter, when he was employed in the factory on Broome Street, New York, was present with him throughout the year.