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"Ah yes!" and Morgana shook her fair head at him with mock dolefulness "And that will be very sad! Though nowadays it will not bind you to a fettered existence. Marriage has ceased to be a sacrament, you can leave your wives as soon as you get tired of them, or they can leave YOU!" Rivardi looked at her with reproach in his handsome face and dark eyes.

Sébalt sat with legs across, and his elbow resting on his knee, gazing into the fire with unspeakable dolefulness. Marie Lagoutte, after having refreshed herself with a fresh pinch, was settling her snuff into shape in its box, while I sat thinking on the strange habit people indulge in of pressing their advice upon those who don't want it. At this moment the major-domo rose.

However, there is something naïve in the stories they tell of her. I feel as if I might get on with her. But the squire! And the rector, having laid down his pipe, took to studying his boots with a certain dolefulness.

So I stood confused, casting about for a reply with truth in it, when Comyn broke in upon us. "I'll warrant you did not look for her here, Richard. Faith, but you are a lucky dog," said my Lord, shaking his head in mock dolefulness; "for there is no man in London, in the world, for whom she would descend a flight of steps, save you.

These Chinese "gang-murders" are nearly always committed for gain, and the Chinese delight in cruel hackings and purposeless mutilations. The Malay assassinations are nearly all affairs of jealousy a single stab and no more. The last part of the drive on a road causewayed through the endless mangrove swamp impresses the imagination strongly by its dolefulness.

"The only amends I can make," he said, in very dolefulness, "is that I may never let you see my face again." "That will not help matters," sobbed Dorothy. "I know it will not," returned John. "Nothing can help me. I can remain here no longer. I must leave you. I cannot even ask you to say farewell. Mistress Vernon, you do not despise me half so bitterly as I despise myself."

He was a railway builder by profession, had a natural aptitude for controlling bodies of men, was rough of speech but generous of heart, running over with fun which no dolefulness of circumstance could repress, as jolly a comrade and as loyal a subordinate as the army could show.

Before he had covered half the distance to the next station, darkness was falling. The journey was enshrouded with danger. On every side were huge clumps of sage-bush which would offer excellent chances for savages to lie in ambush. The howling of wolves added to the dolefulness of the trip.

In a room of statelier proportions she would have looked too frail, too young for significance; out of doors she was seldom seen to advantage; here one recognized her as the presiding spirit in a home fragrant of womanhood. The face, at this moment, was a sad one, but its lines expressed no weak surrender to dolefulness; her lips were courageous, and her eyes such as brighten readily with joy.

My footsteps made such a racket on their old timbers as fairly to frighten me, but it never disturbed the flute-player. He had harked back again to "Like Hermit Poor" by this time, and the dolefulness of it was fit to make the dead cry out, but he went whining on until I reached the head of the stairs and struck a rousing knock on the door. The playing stopped.